What does ‘Cellular Consciousness’ Mean For YOUR Life?

“It’s all well and good”, some of you may think, “to post these great quotes from ‘Mother’s Agenda’ etc, speaking about ‘Cellular Consciousness’ and all that stuff. But what does it all mean to ME, to MY life?… Nothing at all!…”

If you do think that, dear visitor reading this, then you’re unwittingly making a big mistake – for the mere fact that your body-cells have a consciousness of their own has very practical and very profound consequences that could change your daily life, for the better – even if you are not on any spiritual path yet, let alone on Sri Aurobindo and Mother’s path of  ‘Integral Yoga’.

The fact of Cellular Consciousness, if you explore it further, could lead you to a whole new relationship to your body, that in turn could change your relationship to yourself as a whole person, including your own deeper consciousness – the You of you.

During the workshops I have been giving for many years on this topic, twice  a person among the participants – both times a lady – told me that what I was explaining and making them discover should be taught also to children, straight in school, so important they felt it would be to know all this and use it in one’s daily life since an early age.

In the future for sure it will be taught indeed to children first of all, so that they can grow up already with this knowledge and with the different worldview and way of life it gives, which is so much more complete than the present usual worldview, particularly in the societies of the West.

And do you know what? Besides yourself, there are some other people who will be much happier too if you start including your body-cells in your life.

A lot of other people: the billions of cells that all together make up your body!!!

Yes, that’s right, they too are people in their own way, and ought to be recognized as such.

Not only they make up your body anew in a regular manner, they also make it work for you all the time, day and night, even while you sleep; and yet, like everybody else, you ignore those cells completely, you never have a thought for them, you don’t even remember they exist, and you have no idea that they too are conscious people, just like you, only much smaller, as their life is on a microscopic scale as compared to a full human being scale.

And do you think cell size is small?…

What about the still much smaller elements that make up those cells’ own microscopic bodies? What about the molecules and, still smaller, the atoms and particules of all kinds that make up the molecules?!…

Well, all the way down, you will find consciousness, some amount of consciousness, however obscured and half-asleep it might be.

Compared to the infinitesimal particules down at the end of the ladder, your cells are as gigantic as your body is, compared to each of its cells. It’s all a question of scale only, otherwise there is no essential difference.

But let’s go simply to the next level down, to start with: you never knew your cells had a consciousness of their own, did you?

It might take a little while for that to really get registered in your own individual consciousness, but it will, and one day it will seem totally natural and normal to you that your body-cells too have their own consciousness just as you do.

The problem is, as long as you, for whom they work constantly, do not acknowledge at all their work, nor even their existence as beings in their own right, that means your cells are working for you as slaves would. Do you realize that?… Since the moment you were born in that physical body, all those body-cells have been working for you like slaves would. Isn’t it time you gave back a little something to them? Some recognition at least? Some gratitude even, perhaps?

If you were to start at last doing just that, imagine how their life would change…

Of course they still would have to work, for the work they all do, whatever it is for each of them, simply needs to be done  for your body to keep functioning the way it should, and so for you to be able to live your life normally.

But what a difference when your work is being acknowledged and appreciated! When you work for a boss who cares for you, what a difference!… From head to toes, all the cells in your body would start feeling happier. They would do their work smilingly, and with much more enthusiasm.

The person down there on the picture has begun thinking of her body and its cells. You see only her feet, but from the nice little drawings on all the toes you can see she wants those toes to be happy, the cells in there to be smiling.

That’s quite a good start indeed!  But you can learn to do much better than that: you can learn to really go there inside your toes with your own consciousness, and to feel how your cells there really feel at any given time.

And you can learn a lot more.

So… Getting interested?

I want to try for the first time to give my ‘Cellular Consciousness’ Workshop directly by email to the individuals who will  message their names and email addresses to me on my Facebook Page, or in a ‘Comment’ after this post on my Blog.

Yes, it will be entirely for free!… Not only this first little introduction, but the entire Course will be free of charge – only on the condition that you will not pass it on to other people, but direct them to me for getting it – again for free, always. I will communicate directly with each of the persons interested, and follow on the progress of each one.

I want this knowledge to be shared, to spread to the whole world, but in the right way, under the direction of someone like me who has the needed personal experience of how to do it properly, and in respect and gratitude for those two great Pioneers of Conscious Evolution, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, to whom I owe literally all that I can transmit today thanks to their own tremendous Work for Humanity and for the Earth.

What are your toes saying to this proposal of mine? Do you feel them already starting to smile, just by thinking of this workshop that will introduce them to you at last, and change their life?…

Keep smiling, little (or big) toes… Your time of Happiness has come!

Picture from wired.com, with my thanks

Picture from wired.com, with my thanks

36 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. truthyoga
    Mar 28, 2014 @ 10:51:10

    Bhaga, please include me in your workshop emails/list….you already have my email….thank you and best wishes!



    • Bhaga
      Mar 28, 2014 @ 13:27:31

      Welcome, welcome… Although in your case I don’t know what you will learn, you have gone through it all already, and it’s already very much part of your life! But as you wish: I put you on the list all right!…



  2. donsalmon
    Mar 28, 2014 @ 11:29:58

    and please include me as well!



  3. aurofrance
    Mar 29, 2014 @ 08:37:33

    Bonjour, Bhaga ! Please include me in your Workshop e-mail list.


    Jitendra Sharma




  4. fabienne
    Apr 05, 2014 @ 01:31:08

    Cela m’intéresse aussi (en français), si ce n’est pas trop tard.



    • Bhaga
      Apr 05, 2014 @ 04:12:38

      Bonjour, Fabienne!
      C’est vrai que c’est un peu tard, mais de toutes facons cette fois-ci c’est en Anglais. Cependant dans quelque temps (un a deux mois je pense) je le ferai en Francais aussi. Je garde votre nom et adresse email pour vous prevenir.



    • Bhaga
      Apr 05, 2014 @ 04:17:11

      Entre=temps, Fabienne, vous pourriez deja lire ceux de mes articles qui son ten Francais, en prticulier ceux justement qui sont entre autressur la Conscience Cellulaire…



    • aurofrance
      Apr 05, 2014 @ 18:23:28

      Each person is at a different stage of evolution. For a few true followers of
      the Mother, the ‘Cellular Consciousness’ means everything. For others, it
      means nothing. Chacun a son avis personnel, je crois.



      • Bhaga
        Apr 06, 2014 @ 06:29:08

        You are right to a large extent, Jitendra, for sure.
        But there is also to be taken into account each individual’s own complex make-up, in which some part for whatever reason might be readier than the other parts. In some people it might very well be the body and its cells that already need the Divine most, whether the mind of the individual is even aware of it or not.
        Whatever part is readier in someone, the Psychic Being will start doing its work there first. The cells don’t any more have to be the last part of our being to turn towards the Divine. As Mother explained, nowadays they can get their own contact with the Divine directly, without having to go through the Vital or the Mental as was the case before.


      • donsalmon
        Apr 06, 2014 @ 12:07:01

        Hi Bhaga:

        I wonder if this is too fine a distinction.

        (given the general rule aginst talking too much of one’s personal experience, I’m just making this up as a hypothetical) Let’s say I have some contact with my psychic, but it is intermittent. I have a very strong connection to my physical consciousness, and an aspiration to awaken the cellular consciousness.

        In doing these exercises, am I not at least minimally making use of attention (the buddhi)? at the very least, in the initial reading, and in the initial “attending” to the body, isn’t the (silent, nonverbal) buddhi participating at least minimally?


      • aurofrance
        May 14, 2014 @ 05:37:14

        Dear Bhaga,

        You had written:

        “As Mother explained, nowadays they can get their own contact with the Divine directly, without having to go through the Vital or the Mental as was the case before.”

        I found a Reference in the Mother’s conversation of 13 March

        1968. Is there any other Reference ?



        On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 5:37 PM, Lab of Evolution wrote:

        > donsalmon commented: “Hi Bhaga: I wonder if this is too fine a > distinction. (given the general rule aginst talking too much of one’s > personal experience, I’m just making this up as a hypothetical) Let’s say I > have some contact with my psychic, but it is intermittent. I h” >


  5. fabienne
    Apr 05, 2014 @ 04:46:32

    Oui, je vais lire ces articles. Merci et à bientôt.



  6. Bhaga
    Apr 06, 2014 @ 12:59:37

    To Don Salmon:
    I would say it is better not to go into these distintions here, as the only thing needed is simply to direct your attention towards your body and its cells – which is NOT the same as to THINK OF them.
    Let’s say our consciousness focuses itself just inside the body, that’s all. The important thing is to be aware again of the body, and to remain aware of it as constantly as one can, instead of our consciousness going up most of the time into the mind. and its endless chatter.



    • donsalmon
      Apr 06, 2014 @ 13:19:30

      Hmm, perhaps for these classes, I can see.

      But just be clear, i’m not speaking of chatter. What I’m referring to is a completely non verbal, silent awareness. When our consciuosness focuses inside the body, it is possible ot “feel” (not “think”, in the way you are perhaps using the word) quite distinctly (if one may use the word ‘distinctly”!:>)) “where” the (silent, non verbal ,non chattering) consciousess is coming from.

      if from the psychic, or the Self, wonderful. But it seems to me sincerity requires we see clearly, and for most of us, much fo the time, that will be an inner silent attention from the manomaya purusha, what Sri Aurobindo translates as “the mental being” – again, no chatter, no “thinking’, simply non verbal, quiet, still, silent, tranquil, Consciousness.



      • Bhaga
        Apr 06, 2014 @ 14:08:52

        I am sorry that the material already sent to you has sparked in you this kind of questions, distracting you at once from your pressing work at hand – the very thing to be avoided!
        I’ll keep my answer to you for when you will be able to really do the workshop. Now, you will agree with me, is not the time to speak of all that.
        And not the place either, I would say: the comments put here are not quite meant for communication with me about the contents of a workshop, which should rather be done through email or Skype.
        On second thought, dear Don, I don’t want to leave you on such a cruel ‘cliffhanger’ now, so if you don’t mind I’ll answer you by email.


  7. Bhaga
    May 14, 2014 @ 09:24:18

    To Jitendra, aurofrance:
    Congratulations for finding already this one!
    There are plenty more such passages where Mother mentions that. ‘Mother’s Agenda’ is full of them, for what it reveals is the realized Possibility of the ‘Yoga of the Cells’, that is done by the cells themselves.
    I’ll say more about that in my last email message to all the participants of my first online Cellular Consciousness Workshop… of which you too were part, dear Jitendra, so you will get it as well!



  8. Minu
    May 15, 2014 @ 14:38:51

    Hi please include me in your emailing list.

    Thank you! 🙂



    • Bhaga
      May 17, 2014 @ 12:26:35

      Do you mean that you want to participate in the next such workshop I’ll be giving? The one, in English, announced in this blog post is over, but there will be for sure more later on.
      The one I am currently planning to give and announcing on my blog and my facebook page will be in French, so I don’t know if it will be right for you? Please let me know! 🙂



  9. Natasha
    Aug 03, 2014 @ 16:30:32

    Please include me in your list! Thank you. 🙂



    • Bhaga
      Aug 08, 2014 @ 14:45:10

      I wasn’t planning to have this workshop right no, but please give me a few days to think it over… Glad anyway that you are interested! 🙂



  10. Jane
    Aug 08, 2014 @ 12:24:30

    Hi, Would you please send me the workshop for cellular consciousness? I liked your post and think that this is quite new approach of understanding life. Thanks a lot!



    • Bhaga
      Aug 08, 2014 @ 14:49:44

      Well, you are the seond person asking about it in these last few days, so perhaps I should start thinking about giving this workshop soon again!… 😀
      Please give me a few days to decide what to do.
      Thank you for your interest anyway! 🙂



  11. Katsi Duzynski
    Aug 25, 2014 @ 21:30:18

    please send me the information, also, thanks much and of course Happy Mitochondria … (may you always have them)



    • Bhaga
      Aug 26, 2014 @ 03:19:32

      LOL…! Thank you very much from my Mitochondria for your perfectly appropriate wishes!!! Very nice of you to have thought of them… ❤
      But sorry to disappoint you for the time being: if you look up tp the two previous comments and my answers to them, you will see that it is not a good time for me right now. As soon as I feel I have enough time again, I'll let you know.



  12. pulkit
    Dec 19, 2014 @ 16:54:16

    Wonderful wonderful article! So amazingly informative. Please do send me the information on Cellular Consciousness.



    • Bhaga
      Dec 20, 2014 @ 08:59:43

      Thank you for this appreciative comment of yours, pulkit!
      Sorry, at the moment I am not giving workshops, but perhaps you would be interested in the new blog I have started recently on this same subject: ‘Cellular Consciousness Experiences’, address
      I hope you enjoy it as well! 🙂



  13. Rahul Banerjee
    Jul 13, 2015 @ 07:35:55

    Dear Bhaga ji,
    I understand you run an online course on ‘cellular consciousness’. I would be grateful if you kindly included me in the mailing list.



    • Bhaga
      Jul 13, 2015 @ 14:45:43

      Dear Rahul,
      Thank you for expressing your interest in this work!
      For the time being I don’t keep a mailing list, but this might be a good idea, I’ll give it some thought…
      In the meantime, you are now ‘de facto’ part of the waiting list that has kind of spontaneously formed here, the names in which I’ll certainly contact as soon as the time is ripe for another workshop in English on this subject..



  14. Saila Wood
    Feb 17, 2017 @ 08:17:16

    Hello beautiful Bhaga. I am from New Zealand and I have just discovered your amazing blog and insightful writings. I have been following a spiritual path all my life (I am now 61) and I am so very interested to be included in your next online workshop in English to learn about your cellular consciousness. I would be so grateful to be included. In gratitude and love, Saila Wood



  15. Jane
    May 16, 2018 @ 14:05:01

    Dear Bhaga,
    I have been reading about Satprem’s work and your posts for several years…I am kind of lost and feel that I constantly run away from truth…I am confused: is it possible that we communicate with cellular consciousness directly? Why are’t we human beings all doing this? I appreciate the cellular consiousness but why am I not able to communicate with my cells yet? Do I wait and wait (meditate and mediate) until it would appear one day? I wish I can learn from you. Would you please include me in your next online cellular consciousness workshop in English? Thank you so much!!!!



  16. Fabienne
    May 16, 2018 @ 20:42:34

    Chère Bhaga,
    Oui, comme Jane, cela m’intéresse aussi.
    En ce qui me concerne, ce serait reprendre le travail que j’avais laissé de côté en 2013 (santé) et que nous avions commencé : la conscience cellulaire, En Français.
    Mais peut-être que tu ne le proposes plus Bhaga ?
    Je t’embrasse,



  17. Carla
    Oct 20, 2018 @ 06:26:01

    Workshop, please



  18. melissagayle
    Feb 19, 2019 @ 05:43:47

    Hi Bhava, coming to this blog late, but thank you so much for this post! I would love to take your course in English if you offer it again.



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