Watch it DIRECTLY on YOUTUBE to get the Links (see the Description) or find them below this video:



1/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp880…

2/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5SeM…

3/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXT3w…

4/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYJF1…

5/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmREr…

6/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkimi…

The/La Surprise of/des Surprises!

Here are the two versions of what I had to say for last week’s Darshan Day, the 24th November.

First, as usually (at least for the time being), for my English-speaking audience:

Et maintenant, ci-dessous, pour mon audience de langue française, ce que j’ai exprimé ensuite sur le même sujet, mais en français :

What about our inner defects?…

A more difficult topic today, for my new YouTube video. So it is a longer one too, as many not so helpful  beliefs abound, particularly in most religions, regarding this important question.

Please, don’t hesitate to put your own interrogations as a ‘comment’ down below.

On YouTube itself, I prefer not to have comments at all, but here is a better context for having if needed a little conversation… 

Even just some  kind feedback from you will be welcome! 

Real Captions for my Videos…

Well, no new video to launch this Sunday, as I already made that new one in French just last Friday, for the 27th of August.

But I have worked a lot nevertheless since then: yesterday full day, and again today. What for then? For the captions/subtitles of the already existing videos.

By watching them myself with the automatic captions on, I have discovered with horror that those automated  transcriptions of what I was saying were of course totally ignorant of the most important words I was often using, and, worse even, of the main names of places and people I am most frequently talking about… and so, those automated transcripts were giving totally aberrant versions of those unknown names and words, quite often to an irresistibly hilarious effect that I never imagined would ever happen to those cherished names, when so terribly disfigured.

So I immediately went back to finding how to remedy that very unwanted situation, and since then I have been working non stop (except for some night’s sleep of course) on correcting already the captions of two of my videos: the two Introductions, the first one in English and the recent one in French. It is indeed a lengthy task, but the tremendous improvement in the result is really worth it…

This is part of my learning process, obviously; at least I have now become aware of that danger, and will make sure in the future that the captions too are right, and do serve, as they should, a better understanding and appreciation of the actual contents, instead of ending up being a disastrous disservice to both my own intention in making those videos, and the intention of those who watched them but did put the captions on, to such a surprising result. I don’t mind being rather funny in all my present quite visible fumblings with the technology, but that the contents too should become hilarious is another matter, and must not be allowed to happen again if I can help it.

Now the two Introductions at least can safely be watched with the (corrected) captions/subtitles on, without the viewers risking to howl with laughter instead of being moved by what I am saying, which is supposed to be inspiring, and even helping you to evolve!!!

The present stage of my creating this YouTube Channel is probably intended by the Divine Joker as a perfect illustration of what I have called, on this Research Blog on Evolution, ‘The Way of Fun’… All right, dear Divine Joker, have your fun! My own sense of Humour is increasing too through all this, and THAT is also part of what we all have to learn, so I actually rejoice while writing this, and my cells themselves are giggling merrily about me… which is very good for their Health too…!

The divine ‘Invitation’… and my present Answer to It

A comment yesterday to one of my much earlier but still very valid posts necessitates a whole new post for full expression of my own comment to that comment.

Here is the link to that old post and the comment now appearing below it, which I answer briefly and then announce that my longer answer to it will be as a full new post, now being written here. I first copy down below the full comment, as it quotes the poem I too will be talking about in the present post:

Comment by Janakabhakti

I just came across this lovely appreciation of the master-works of J.R.R.Tolkien, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy – works which have shaped me only slightly less [because they came to me at such an early age] than those of Sri Aurobindo and Mother.
But your essay on Adventure brings to mind one of the first poems by the Master Poet which took hold of my heart and never let go, called Invitatio


With wind and the weather beating round me
    Up to the hill and the moorland I go.
Who will come with me? Who will climb with me?
    Wade through the brook and tramp through the snow?
Not in the petty circle of cities
    Cramped by your doors and your walls I dwell;
Over me God is blue in the welkin,
    Against me the wind and the storm rebel.
I sport with solitude here in my regions,
    Of misadventure have made me a friend.
Who would live largely? Who would live freely?
    Here to the wind-swept uplands ascend.
I am the lord of tempest and mountain,
    I am the Spirit of freedom and pride.
Stark must he be and a kinsman to danger
    Who shares my kingdom and walks at my side.

In Their Divine Grace,
Karun Das / will moss

My reply:

First of all thank you, for adding this appreciative comment to my post. And your comment in itself is great too, with the magnificent poem it includes…
Yes, I myself know and love this poem by Sri Aurobindo, written, of all places, in the jail where he spent a full exact year, in 1908-1909, when being the main accused in a bomb attack he was not actually involved in, but which had killed two British persons – the wrong ones on top of that – and so could have very well cost him his own life quite soon, a verdict anticipated in fact by all.
That in such a seemingly desperate situation this had been the poem that had come to him is almost incredible, and yet here it is in all its glory, full of the ever-victorious pride of the all-powerful Divine.
I did admire it of course and was totally awed when I discovered it, and the deadly context it was written in, during my early years of research about Sri Aurobindo’s life, right after I joined Auroville in 1972.

But in the secrecy of my own being I was stunned and horrified by what it meant the Divine was expecting, it seemed, also of me. The vital (life-energy) part of me, the one which is naturally heroic anyway, felt like saying an enthusiastic yes to this divine Invitation, and my Soul too of course was at first all for it; but the physical part of me trembled at the very thought of it, and immediately shrunk away from it, ready to dart in the opposite direction and hide somewhere at the first sign of implementation of such a horrific program as described in the poem.

Then my Soul too, noticing that fearful physical reaction, had second thoughts, so to say.
And still today I find myself very ambiguous about the whole matter.
Because, precisely, of my own Matter, my own cells, who happen to have already found out through numerous lifetimes the horrors they could be forced to live in the name of such adventures, and who also happen to remember enough of such terrible mis-adventures for refusing any more of them if they are at all given the choice.

Well, at this point I feel they definitely should at last be given the choice indeed.

In all fairness they should, I’d say.

During the eons already past of Evolution on Earth, the portion of the Divine who accepted to become utterly diminished Matter so that this Adventure in Physical Matter would be possible, that self-sacrificed Portion has been suffering hardships of all kinds, and when it became Living Matter, more and more conscious Matter, this has been paid by increasing sensitivity, which meant Pain, and fragility, which meant Death, again and again and again. The Adventure hasn’t been much fun yet at all for Matter, the rare and brief moments of pleasure in living bodies hardly equalling all the toughness of the rest.

This is at least how my Soul feels, with a strong impression that if I accepted to incarnate again this time, it has been because this was the time when at last something decisive could be done for Matter to become consciously divine again, and I wanted to help that to happen.

I have been told also that for a number of lifetimes across the ages, under any color of skin and social status myself, my heart has had that love and compassion for the labourers, the little people, the downtrodden, trying my best to improve their lot and make their life happier and this world more just, more truly humane for all, who all were family to me. This time, this is why I decided to live in Auroville as an adult, and since childhood this tenderness and compassion were going all the way down to the tiny existences in Nature, those who are not harmful: the nice insects in the grass, the dragonflies and butterflies in the air, the paramecia under a microscope… and the cells of our bodies, who work so hard and have such a hard life.

For Matter as such, only when it will recover its capacity to feel and enjoy Ananda, the divine Bliss of Being, will the problem be really solved. As Sri Aurobindo wrote at the end of the little booklet ‘The Mother’:

‘the Ananda that alone can heal the gulf between the highest heights of the supramental spirit and the lowest abysses of Matter’

I suppose this is why I have been inwardly led after a few years here to take the Vedic name of Bhaga, the Power of Delight of the Supreme: in that way my whole being would gradually become that Delight, and would be able to participate in its own way in the healing of the world with that divine Delight straight from Bhagavan, this Blissful One I had first discovered through the Bhagavad Gita…

Then only, when so healed, will Matter too, and our physical bodies, enjoy a Life Divine like the rest of our beings, and our own Joy will be truly complete, for, as Savitri had said before, ‘Not complete is the joy not shared by all’, and as she says again after bringing Satyavan back to life: ‘Let us bring joy to all, for joy is ours’…

So I have become somehow one who protects and defends the cells from the perils and wounds of this Adventure, until they too will have become Delight enough to enjoy them, and so at last be able to joyfully respond, out of their own free choice, to the divine Invitation above.

The process is started, they are progressing, some of them enjoy already that Delight at least some of the time… and, as Mother found out, it is contagious! So we just keep going, and they light up, more and more…

Picture from studyblue.com, with my thanks

4.4.21: An exceptional Double Celebration for us all, Bhaga’s and your Body-Cells…

(The following lines have been written by me at the request of my cells, in the early dawn of April 4th itself. Now that the technicalities needed for actually posting this new article have been resolved, I am as happy as they are to get it published, only a few days later.)

How wonderful for us, cells of Bhaga’s body, to wake up in the morning of such an exceptional April 4th, on which we will commemorate, together on this same Sunday, both the two following momentous events of Humanity’s past:

1/ the special Easter Day, now more than 2000 years ago, which saw Jesus’ physical Resurrection of his crucified body, as prophesised, on the third day after its death on Holy Friday;

2/ the Arrival Day, secretly, in 1910 – that is, exactly 111 years ago – of well-known political leader Aurobindo Ghose at Pondichéry, then a French enclave down the East Coast of India. By inner order from the Divine, the politician turned ardent spiritual man was to find there the relatively safe and permanent political refuge from the British rulers of his country, where to open for Humanity as a whole the urgently needed New Way of Yoga that could benefit everyone interested in further Evolution.

For this New Way of Yoga would enable Humanity to free itself from the rule of the Mind Power which is by now preventing human beings from evolving further. By accessing, beyond the Mind, a higher and truer level of consciousness which one could call the Supramental Consciousness, Humans could, from Mental Beings, become Supramental Beings, a new rung added to the ladder of Evolution on Earth, and the entire terrestrial Life would greatly benefit also from such a welcome change, putting an end to the divisive and increasingly disastrous tyranny of the Mind dominating everything through the presently too mentalised Human Species.

In the decades that followed, Sri Aurobindo, as he became known and revered, did succeed in his Mission.

For us, cells composing all the present human bodies, both these two events celebrated today have been of major importance, each highly significant of the passage from the old Era to the new, Supramental Era now starting:

In his time, even a Jesus couldn’t do more than the most remarkable feat he did achieve then concerning his body. At that time, only the individual spirit housed in a body could, if highly evolved enough, accomplish such a thing.

It was simply not possible yet to awaken the secret consciousness in Matter itself, and in us cells of human bodies., so that we could participate, and out of our own free choice.

The Awakening of this obscure Consciousness in us cells has been the work accomplished in our time, first by Sri Aurobindo, and later on continued and increased by his feminine counterpart and collaborator from France, whom he called The Mother. To Them goes our infinite gratitude.

Thanks to that new, Supramental Consciousness that they activated on Earth, we cells are starting to indeed awaken, to the point of becoming aware of the Divine, and of our own divine potential.

This is a tremendous change, one that most human beings are not yet aware of, but which will become more and more obvious as time passes and the Supramental Era establishes itself more and more irresistibly to make of this Earth a better and truer world for all the species on this planet, and for the planet itself too.

On this Day, we have been celebrating the transition happening now more and more visibly between those two Eras, not only on the bigger scale of world events like the present pandemic, but actually, at the same time, precisely also on the microscopic scale of our cellular life inside everybody’s body… Scientists and medical people, as well as everyone else presently incarnated in a physical body, should start realising that Fact.

It is on the free and happy awakening of our Cellular Consciousness that the entire future of Healing, Health, Rejuvenation and Transformation of the Human Body towards even at some point Immortality, will more and more depend, rather than on outer means.

This is why we the cells of Bhaga’s body are writing this publicly on this so special Day, trying to bring everybody’s attention to this extremely important New Fact in their own life, and in Life on Earth as a whole too.

May this article from us contribute in creating all together a future Happy Life on Earth also for us all, now humble, but some day divine physical bodies…

Picture from wired.com, with my thanks

My Elder Sister’s Birthday, and our Future

Today, the 27th of March, is my elder sister’s Birthday, and although she died some years ago already, I still celebrate it by renewing every time the inner contact that had been there between us, thanks, in our early years, only to our common passion for singing, but resurrected in our later years when I finally had the opportunity to go visit her near Genève, where she had had a very successful career as one of the most appreciated Choir members at the Opéra.

As she told me then that she had always envied my so strong tendency to Spirituality, I replied spontaneously to her that her beautiful singing of all those wonderful Opéra melodies had been her own way in this lifetime to express her soul’s irresistible passion for the Divine as Beauty in Music…

After she died – or rather, as people say more correctly in India, she left her body -, I had the very moving surprise to receive, right here in Auroville, South India, a visit from her as a conscious spirit again, to sing with me one of our old favorite songs from when we had been kids.

Today, as I am writing this article in her honor, again I happen to be singing a beautiful song, but this time it is one of my own, one of the many that have bloomed from my own soul since it came forward within my being in 1975, reaching in 1978 even the very cells of my body… who, to my total stupefaction, started singing as well their own little lovely and cheerful songs for the Divine!…

As mentioned briefly in a recent post here, a most special Melody has revealed itself again to my being one night of July 2020, in an amazingly moving dream where I heard and sang it again after millennia of oblivion due to so many more incarnations in an earthly, dense body, in the meantime.

Since then, my cells have been repeating again and again that Melody, and gradually found and added to it the words expressing most accurately what they feel is their true Identity, as cells constituting the body of ‘Bhaga’, the Power of Delight of the One Supreme Being as ‘Bhagavan’. ‘the Blissful One’.

This Melody-Mantra of their own has been a most precious and efficient means for my cells to stay as constantly as possible conscious of their true Identity even while doing the now sharply increased outer activities that are required for a wider outreach, both within and without Auroville, of the Research results I am asked to share more.

Right now, it is in the form of a one hour loop recording of me and my cells singing that Melodie-Mantra, that we are listening to it in the background, while we are at the same time writing this post…

Why bring the attention of those who will read this, to such an apparently insignificant thing as a mere song? Because our aim in this new piece of writing is to encourage all other souls and cells to sing too, as often as they can! At first whatever song, from childhood or any other moment of their life, that they love for it does them good and makes them feel good – and it can be for long a variety of such songs – until they too will find, or find again, that Soul Song unique to them, that will connect them constantly to their eternal, true divine Identity, and will in that way help them powerfully to permanently change their consciousness and so, transform their entire being towards the ‘Life Divine’ announced and prepared for the Earth by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

As the Message from the Mother printed for March 27th (on the perpetual calendar near me) reminds us all, especially useful in the present challenging but also promising situation all over the world:

‘The only hope for the future is a change in man’s consciousness, and the change is bound to come.’

May the Song from the soul and cells in all of us call that wonderful Future down on Earth more and more! And may my sister’s soul, with her so beautiful voice, happily join again in that Earth Choir!…

‘Happoness is singing in the choir.’

The Strangest Event of All… on my Birthday!

My previous post last week told about ‘Strange Events’… Well, the Strangest Event of all happened actually last week itself, on my very Birthday, during the afternoon. I didn’t include it in my post on that day though, for that post was already long enough with the ‘Strange Events’ from before, and I was hoping to have soon the explanation about that additional mystery. But no explanation has revealed itself yet, so now I shouldn’t delay any longer the telling of that Strangest one:

My Birthday this year fell on a Tuesday, and every Tuesday afternoon, from 2:30 to 4:30 pm, is my weekly duty at the Specialized Library I started as part of this ‘Laboratory of Evolution’ I founded in 1984, also to become at the same time the ‘Centre for Unity’ in 1985, hence its ‘LOE-CHU’ short name. Thanks to the arrival after a few years of Kalyani (helped later on by Olivier and a few others) to take up the Library work that was consuming too much of my time and energy, I have been able since then to dedicate myself entirely again to the Research work I had been doing actually from my coming to Auroville in 1972, along with whatever outer work I had been officially doing as an Aurovilian.

Of course I have been ever keeping a sweet inner connection with the LOE-CHU’s Library aspect too, which has its own definite importance as well, and has grown into a amazingly rich mediatheque always kept in perfect and beautiful condition by Kalyani, so I truly enjoy coming every Tuesday afternoon to open it at that time and receive the people who may come, looking for some of our many books, magazines, audio-documents or selection of films, all related to Evolution and/or Human Unity, the two central topics of Research for Auroville as a whole.

Yet, it has also become somehow known that Tuesday afternoons are the best time to inquire about the LOE-CHU Research as well, as I am the one at the desk, and I happen to be the Head of the Research Section, able to speak meaningfully of the overall aims of the LOE-CHU as a whole in its more and more diverse activities, somehow manifesting gradually, thanks to the Divine Grace, many of the goals I had seen from the start as needing to be achieved over the years.

My own life as a Researcher-cum-voluntary Guinea-pig made of me, I slowly realized, somehow a walking Laboratory of Evolution by myself, having direct experience of all the major aspects of the Integral Yoga, including the opening of the Crown and Heart chakras, and it was on the coming forward of my Psychic Being, which happened in 1975, that all my further inner development had rested, with in 1976 the awakening of my body-cells’ consciousness only as a major and ongoing surprise after that, all the more known aspects developing more or less as they should, as far as I could see…

But since 1996 when that specific aspect of my life had finally had to be revealed, and in 1998 a first workshop about that had even had to be offered by me to people asking for it, although I presented it always in the overall context of the Integral Yoga as a whole, that topic of the Cellular Consciousness had become over the years the main thing other people were interested in, and knew me for, even though I wasn’t publicizing it at all in any way.

So it has been often that on a Tuesday or another someone came in not for any books, but just to speak with me on that topic. Often the person didn’t even know anything when coming, but, intrigued by the very name ‘Laboratory of Evolution’, would start asking me questions about what it meant practically, and that would inevitably lead us at some point to… the cells!…

Well, a week ago, on the Tuesday of my Birthday, as soon as I opened our Library, a young man from Russia came first, asking for ‘Bhaga’; but we had hardly begun talking together before another young man, this time from France, came in also, looking for me too! Then, having identified me as the right person, he went out to phone… and two young French ladies appeared soon on the scene in turn, one after the other, obviously quite glad also to have finally found that mysterious ‘Bhaga’…!

I was starting to feel like Beorn in ‘The Hobbit’, when a whole company of Dwarves, anxious to be accepted in his house, are strategically introduced by clever Gandalf to bad-tempered Beorn only two by two, with a ten minute gap carefully kept between each new arrival of two more very polite and smiling Dwarves!!!

When it seemed that nobody beyond the four young people already there was likely to pop in again, I asked them what was going on…

It turned out that the four of them as a group had been for quite a while looking all over Auroville for the place called ‘Laboratory of Evolution’ (going even to our previous location at the Bharat Nivas compound, rather far away, after checking at various other ‘Labs’), as they wanted to attend the ‘Presentation about the Consciousness of the Cells’ that was going to be given there from 2:30 to 4:30 pm by somebody called ‘Bhaga’, according to the announcement!!!

Totally flabbergasted, I told them I knew nothing about such an announcement, and had no idea who could have put it out… but that I was indeed that Bhaga, and I could indeed give them an improvised Presentation about that topic, as it was one I was indeed very used to present since more than twenty years.

By that time it was already almost 3 pm, so we sat down right there in the Entrance Hall together (the Divine arranged it so that no one on that afternoon ever came for books!!!), and I began my more or less usual but ever renewed overall Introduction to this huge topic, in the context of Evolution at large. They were soon all beaming and kind of in a rapt attention, except for one of the young ladies, whose mind popped questions from time to time, but it didn’t disturb the others’ intense and happy attention.

It was 6 pm when we finally stopped, having reached a good wrapping it all conclusion. They thanked me enthusiastically and profusely. At that point only did I reveal to them that this very day happened to be my Birthday, and that the coming of their little group to hear me on that cherished topic had been a totally unplanned and unexpected, but beautiful Gift to me from the Divine.. They were all the more moved, and so was I when they left – and so did I, before it got dark.

How did this mysterious but incredibly timely and precise announcement come about?… Perhaps some day will I know…What a humorous Strange Event anyway!… Yet another delightful expression in my inner and outer life of the Divine Humor I have come to know and appreciate so much: precisely because it was my Birthday, I had actually thought of skipping my duty at our Library that day, and of course arranging for a replacement… But finally I had decided to go, as it would be a good training for my cells to remain with their Melody Mantra even during that activity…

Apparently it had been the right decision!…


The Material Image that the Body Is

Many of you who read my articles on this Research Blog have never met me physically, in Auroville or elsewhere, and couldn’t find here anything but one or two photos of me from quite a few years ago.

You may very well even not be, like me, ‘on Facebook’, where it is the normal thing to present oneself to others also through a photo, which one is supposed to renew from time to time. Not being an ace in technology, it has been quite an adventure for me to finally do it, hardly two days ago, and quite an astonishment to see the extraordinary number of persons who suddenly manifested themselves to express their joy at being presented with that very recent photo of me.

This prompted me to decide, this morning, to share it with you as well, the visitors to my Research Blog, for this seems something truly important for a somehow more real relationship between us.

So, here is this new photo:

Crédit Namah d’Auroville

It is my young friend of many years, Namah d’Auroville, my dear main colleague in the Research Team of the ‘Laboratory of Evolution – Centre for Human Unity’ (LOE-CHU) who, one evening, before going back to her home at the end of a visit to mine, has kindly accepted to take impromptu the new photo of me asked for by my family in France.

It hadn’t at all been planned between us to do that, so all in this photo is only owed to a kind of synchronicity bringing together, at the right time, the right clothing, the right place, and the right photographer…!

I have found it quite interesting, while reading ‘Mother’s Agenda’, to notice that Mother, just as also Sri Aurobindo while still in his physical body, was giving some importance to external means allowing one to verify for oneself the spiritual state experienced within. This is why, for example, she wanted that always be shown to her, after a Darshan Day or another, the photos taken of herself at her balcony while giving that Darshan to the crowd – turned suddenly silent – which down below had filled up the street for this precious occasion. She compared then her inner experience of that Darshan with what was visible of it, or not, through the photo, in this way very useful, she used to say, ‘for showing the objectivity of the inner state’.

At the much lesser degree of evolution where we, the more ordinary human beings, are for the present, photos can be very useful for becoming aware of passing inner movements, just passing perhaps, but nevertheless quite real, which may have happened inside us at the time when the photo was taken, without our being conscious of them. The photo then gives us the information often unpleasant, but necessary, of one more inner progress to be realized!…

In the case of this photo though, it has been comforting for me to see that the spontaneous expression on the face and body of this ‘Bhaga’ I was discovering on the photo, wasn’t one of those unpleasant surprises.

So much so that the photo not only did go, as intended, to my family, but it even became the encouraging factor which decided me to attempt at long last the dreaded technological feat that was for me the change of my ‘profile picture’, as they say on the ‘social media’…

And now on top of that, this first success has led me to this second fantastic victory: sharing also this photo with you all, my other friends, on this Blog!

Seriously, all this is becoming almost fun… Even my cells, in spite of all the difficulties they met, didn’t allow themselves to be frightened, and taking up the challenge, they did finally discover how to unlock all those technical apparent impossibilities. Now they exult in laughing pride! Which is, by the way, excellent for health.

As you can see, everything may help one to evolve, if one doesn’t forget to do it in the right inner attitude: that of a Game!…

This Divine Game upon Earth in which, at last, thanks to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, even Matter, in our bodies to start with, is beginning to have fun, and to experience the Delight of Being, plus the Delight of Becoming again divine…

L’Image Concrète qu’est le Corps

Beaucoup d’entre vous qui lisent mes articles sur ce Blog de Recherche ne m’ont jamais rencontrée physiquement, à Auroville ou ailleurs, et n’ont pu trouver ici qu’une ou deux photos de moi datant de pas mal d’années.

Vous n’êtes pas forcément comme je le suis “sur Facebook” , où il est coutume de se présenter aux autres aussi à travers une photo, que l’on est supposé renouveler de temps en temps. N’étant pas un as de la technologie, ce fut toute une aventure pour moi de finalement le faire, il y a à peine deux jours, et tout un étonnement devant le nombre extraordinaire de personnes qui se sont soudain manifestées pour exprimer leur joie à la vue de cette photo de moi tout à fait récente.

Du coup, j’ai décidé ce matin de partager cette photo également avec vous, les visiteurs de mon Blog de Recherche, car cela semble quelque chose de véritablement important pour une relation plus réelle en quelque sorte entre nous.

Voici donc cette nouvelle photo:

Crédit Namah d’Auroville

C’est ma jeune amie de longue date, Namah d’Auroville, ma chère collègue principale dans l’équipe de Recherche du “Laboratoire de l’Evolution – Centre pour l’Unité Humaine” (LOE-CHU) qui a bien voulu, un soir, avant de retourner chez elle au terme de sa visite chez moi, prendre impromptu la nouvelle photo de moi réclamée par ma famille en France.

Ce n’était nullement prévu entre nous de le faire, et tout dans cette photo est donc dû uniquement à une sorte de synchronicité alliant, au moment voulu, le vêtement voulu, l’emplacement voulu, et la photographe voulue…!

J’ai trouvé fort intéressant, au cours de ma lecture de L'”Agenda de Mère”, de constater que Mère, tout comme Sri Aurobindo de son vivant, donnait une certaine importance aux moyens extérieurs permettant à chacun de vérifier par lui-même le vécu spirituel éprouvé intérieurement. C’est ainsi que, par exemple, elle se faisait toujours montrer, après un Darshan ou un autre, les photos prises d’elle-même à son balcon, alors qu’elle donnait ce Darshan à la foule – devenue d’un coup silencieuse – qui en bas remplissait la rue pour cette précieuse occasion. Elle comparait ensuite son vécu intérieur pendant le Darshan avec ce qui en transparaissait ou non après sur la photo, ainsi fort utile, disait-elle, “pour objectiver l’état”.

Au bien moindre degré d’évolution où nous, les humains plus ordinaires, en sommes pour le moment, les photos peuvent être très utiles pour prendre conscience des mouvements intérieurs passagers, mais très réels, qui se sont éventuellement produits dans notre être pendant le temps de la photo, sans que nous nous en soyions rendu compte. La photo nous donne alors l’information souvent désagréable, mais nécessaire, pour un possible progrès intérieur de plus à réaliser!…

Dans le cas de cette photo-ci, il m’a été réconfortant de voir que l’expression spontanée du visage et du corps de cette Bhaga que je découvrais sur la photo n’était pas l’une de ces mauvaises surprises.

Si bien que la photo non seulement a pu aller, comme prévu, à ma famille, mais elle est même devenue le facteur encourageant qui m’a décidée à tenter le redoutable exploit technologique qu’était pour moi le changement de ma “profile picture”, comme on dit sur les “social media”…

Et voilà que de plus cette première réussite m’a amenée maintenant à cette deuxième fantastique victoire: partager cette photo également avec vous tous, mes autres amis, sur ce Blog!

Sérieusement, cela devient presque amusant… Même mes cellules, malgré toutes les difficultés rencontrées, ne se sont pas laissées impressionner, et relevant le défi, ont bel et bien fini par découvrir comment déjouer toutes ces apparentes impossibilités. Maintenant elles exultent de fierté rieuse! Ce qui, de surcroît, est bon pour la santé.

Comme quoi tout peut nous aider à évoluer, si on n’oublie pas de le faire dans l’attitude intérieure voulue: celle du Jeu…

Ce Jeu Divin sur Terre où enfin, grâce à Sri Aurobindo et Mère, même la Matière en nos corps commence à s’amuser et à éprouver le Délice d’Etre, plus le Délice de Redevenir divine…

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