Watch it DIRECTLY on YOUTUBE to get the Links (see the Description) or find them below this video:



1/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp880…

2/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5SeM…

3/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXT3w…

4/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYJF1…

5/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmREr…

6/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkimi…

The divine ‘Invitation’… and my present Answer to It

A comment yesterday to one of my much earlier but still very valid posts necessitates a whole new post for full expression of my own comment to that comment.

Here is the link to that old post and the comment now appearing below it, which I answer briefly and then announce that my longer answer to it will be as a full new post, now being written here. I first copy down below the full comment, as it quotes the poem I too will be talking about in the present post:

Comment by Janakabhakti

I just came across this lovely appreciation of the master-works of J.R.R.Tolkien, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy – works which have shaped me only slightly less [because they came to me at such an early age] than those of Sri Aurobindo and Mother.
But your essay on Adventure brings to mind one of the first poems by the Master Poet which took hold of my heart and never let go, called Invitatio


With wind and the weather beating round me
    Up to the hill and the moorland I go.
Who will come with me? Who will climb with me?
    Wade through the brook and tramp through the snow?
Not in the petty circle of cities
    Cramped by your doors and your walls I dwell;
Over me God is blue in the welkin,
    Against me the wind and the storm rebel.
I sport with solitude here in my regions,
    Of misadventure have made me a friend.
Who would live largely? Who would live freely?
    Here to the wind-swept uplands ascend.
I am the lord of tempest and mountain,
    I am the Spirit of freedom and pride.
Stark must he be and a kinsman to danger
    Who shares my kingdom and walks at my side.

In Their Divine Grace,
Karun Das / will moss

My reply:

First of all thank you, for adding this appreciative comment to my post. And your comment in itself is great too, with the magnificent poem it includes…
Yes, I myself know and love this poem by Sri Aurobindo, written, of all places, in the jail where he spent a full exact year, in 1908-1909, when being the main accused in a bomb attack he was not actually involved in, but which had killed two British persons – the wrong ones on top of that – and so could have very well cost him his own life quite soon, a verdict anticipated in fact by all.
That in such a seemingly desperate situation this had been the poem that had come to him is almost incredible, and yet here it is in all its glory, full of the ever-victorious pride of the all-powerful Divine.
I did admire it of course and was totally awed when I discovered it, and the deadly context it was written in, during my early years of research about Sri Aurobindo’s life, right after I joined Auroville in 1972.

But in the secrecy of my own being I was stunned and horrified by what it meant the Divine was expecting, it seemed, also of me. The vital (life-energy) part of me, the one which is naturally heroic anyway, felt like saying an enthusiastic yes to this divine Invitation, and my Soul too of course was at first all for it; but the physical part of me trembled at the very thought of it, and immediately shrunk away from it, ready to dart in the opposite direction and hide somewhere at the first sign of implementation of such a horrific program as described in the poem.

Then my Soul too, noticing that fearful physical reaction, had second thoughts, so to say.
And still today I find myself very ambiguous about the whole matter.
Because, precisely, of my own Matter, my own cells, who happen to have already found out through numerous lifetimes the horrors they could be forced to live in the name of such adventures, and who also happen to remember enough of such terrible mis-adventures for refusing any more of them if they are at all given the choice.

Well, at this point I feel they definitely should at last be given the choice indeed.

In all fairness they should, I’d say.

During the eons already past of Evolution on Earth, the portion of the Divine who accepted to become utterly diminished Matter so that this Adventure in Physical Matter would be possible, that self-sacrificed Portion has been suffering hardships of all kinds, and when it became Living Matter, more and more conscious Matter, this has been paid by increasing sensitivity, which meant Pain, and fragility, which meant Death, again and again and again. The Adventure hasn’t been much fun yet at all for Matter, the rare and brief moments of pleasure in living bodies hardly equalling all the toughness of the rest.

This is at least how my Soul feels, with a strong impression that if I accepted to incarnate again this time, it has been because this was the time when at last something decisive could be done for Matter to become consciously divine again, and I wanted to help that to happen.

I have been told also that for a number of lifetimes across the ages, under any color of skin and social status myself, my heart has had that love and compassion for the labourers, the little people, the downtrodden, trying my best to improve their lot and make their life happier and this world more just, more truly humane for all, who all were family to me. This time, this is why I decided to live in Auroville as an adult, and since childhood this tenderness and compassion were going all the way down to the tiny existences in Nature, those who are not harmful: the nice insects in the grass, the dragonflies and butterflies in the air, the paramecia under a microscope… and the cells of our bodies, who work so hard and have such a hard life.

For Matter as such, only when it will recover its capacity to feel and enjoy Ananda, the divine Bliss of Being, will the problem be really solved. As Sri Aurobindo wrote at the end of the little booklet ‘The Mother’:

‘the Ananda that alone can heal the gulf between the highest heights of the supramental spirit and the lowest abysses of Matter’

I suppose this is why I have been inwardly led after a few years here to take the Vedic name of Bhaga, the Power of Delight of the Supreme: in that way my whole being would gradually become that Delight, and would be able to participate in its own way in the healing of the world with that divine Delight straight from Bhagavan, this Blissful One I had first discovered through the Bhagavad Gita…

Then only, when so healed, will Matter too, and our physical bodies, enjoy a Life Divine like the rest of our beings, and our own Joy will be truly complete, for, as Savitri had said before, ‘Not complete is the joy not shared by all’, and as she says again after bringing Satyavan back to life: ‘Let us bring joy to all, for joy is ours’…

So I have become somehow one who protects and defends the cells from the perils and wounds of this Adventure, until they too will have become Delight enough to enjoy them, and so at last be able to joyfully respond, out of their own free choice, to the divine Invitation above.

The process is started, they are progressing, some of them enjoy already that Delight at least some of the time… and, as Mother found out, it is contagious! So we just keep going, and they light up, more and more…

Picture from studyblue.com, with my thanks

My Elder Sister’s Birthday, and our Future

Today, the 27th of March, is my elder sister’s Birthday, and although she died some years ago already, I still celebrate it by renewing every time the inner contact that had been there between us, thanks, in our early years, only to our common passion for singing, but resurrected in our later years when I finally had the opportunity to go visit her near Genève, where she had had a very successful career as one of the most appreciated Choir members at the Opéra.

As she told me then that she had always envied my so strong tendency to Spirituality, I replied spontaneously to her that her beautiful singing of all those wonderful Opéra melodies had been her own way in this lifetime to express her soul’s irresistible passion for the Divine as Beauty in Music…

After she died – or rather, as people say more correctly in India, she left her body -, I had the very moving surprise to receive, right here in Auroville, South India, a visit from her as a conscious spirit again, to sing with me one of our old favorite songs from when we had been kids.

Today, as I am writing this article in her honor, again I happen to be singing a beautiful song, but this time it is one of my own, one of the many that have bloomed from my own soul since it came forward within my being in 1975, reaching in 1978 even the very cells of my body… who, to my total stupefaction, started singing as well their own little lovely and cheerful songs for the Divine!…

As mentioned briefly in a recent post here, a most special Melody has revealed itself again to my being one night of July 2020, in an amazingly moving dream where I heard and sang it again after millennia of oblivion due to so many more incarnations in an earthly, dense body, in the meantime.

Since then, my cells have been repeating again and again that Melody, and gradually found and added to it the words expressing most accurately what they feel is their true Identity, as cells constituting the body of ‘Bhaga’, the Power of Delight of the One Supreme Being as ‘Bhagavan’. ‘the Blissful One’.

This Melody-Mantra of their own has been a most precious and efficient means for my cells to stay as constantly as possible conscious of their true Identity even while doing the now sharply increased outer activities that are required for a wider outreach, both within and without Auroville, of the Research results I am asked to share more.

Right now, it is in the form of a one hour loop recording of me and my cells singing that Melodie-Mantra, that we are listening to it in the background, while we are at the same time writing this post…

Why bring the attention of those who will read this, to such an apparently insignificant thing as a mere song? Because our aim in this new piece of writing is to encourage all other souls and cells to sing too, as often as they can! At first whatever song, from childhood or any other moment of their life, that they love for it does them good and makes them feel good – and it can be for long a variety of such songs – until they too will find, or find again, that Soul Song unique to them, that will connect them constantly to their eternal, true divine Identity, and will in that way help them powerfully to permanently change their consciousness and so, transform their entire being towards the ‘Life Divine’ announced and prepared for the Earth by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

As the Message from the Mother printed for March 27th (on the perpetual calendar near me) reminds us all, especially useful in the present challenging but also promising situation all over the world:

‘The only hope for the future is a change in man’s consciousness, and the change is bound to come.’

May the Song from the soul and cells in all of us call that wonderful Future down on Earth more and more! And may my sister’s soul, with her so beautiful voice, happily join again in that Earth Choir!…

‘Happoness is singing in the choir.’

31.8.2019: Cérémonie pour Pachamama – et la forêt amazonienne – à Auroville

Samedi dernier, il y juste deux jours, le 31 août, j’ai été heureuse de participer à un évènement organisé comme d’habitude par Anandi, une Aurovilienne (et amie) de longue date, originaire d’Argentine, qui coordine ici tout ce qui concerne l’Amérique (les trois Amériques en Une) et le site de son futur Pavillon dans la Zone Culturelle d’Auroville.
Voici, pour commencer, l’annonce lancée quelque temps auparavant:
Très chers amis, nous aurons une Cérémonie très spéciale le 31 août à notre Site de l’Amérique:
Tout d’abord, c’est le dernier jour d’août, le Mois de la Pachamama, que nous célébrons comme à l’habitude ensemble.
D’autre part, nous avons un Newcomer à Auroville, Eric, de France mais relié à notre Continent, non seulement par son épouse Paraguayenne, mais aussi par son contact très étroit avec les Lakota Sioux, qui lui ont donné l’initiation depuis déjà longtemps.
Mais il y a plus: nous avons reçu des Andes un incroyable cadeau: un Wipala, le drapeau Arc-en-ciel des Peuples Indigènes d’Amérique.
Pour toutes ces raisons, nous allons nous réunir sur l’Apacheta à la Nursery, juste pour Célébrer ensemble… et aussi prier et chanter pour la guérison de l’Amazonie.
S’il vous plaît, apportez de la nourriture, des fleurs, de l’encens, quoi que ce soit qui pour vous a de l’importance, pour l’offrir à notre Terre Mère ce jour-là.
Merci d’être avec nous,
Anandi, B, Eric et Lara
Avec cette annonce se trouvait l’image d’une affiche que, par une merveilleuse synchronicité, j’ai vue à nouveau, mais cette fois grand format, juste le jour d’après l’annonce, parmi les nombreux panneaux arrangés en exposition d’extérieur au Centre pour les Visiteurs, informant les gens sur la Zone Culturelle et certains Pavillons Culturels non encore édifiés mais déjà existants dans le coeur des Auroviliens qui s’y sentent reliés de quelque manière que ce soit. Je n’avais jamais eu la curiosité d’aller regarder ces panneaux auparavant, si bien que je n’avais jamais vu non plus cette extraordinaire affiche de l’Amérique Une, et maintenant je la voyais deux fois en deux jours!…
(J’ai bien essayé de copier-coller cette affiche sur cet article, mais je n’ai pas réussi… pas encore. Je trouverai bien le moyen à un moment… ).
Quelques jours et un Rappel après, le jour J était déjà là, et tout se passa très bien. Environ 26 personnes participèrent.
Le jour suivant, Anandi ouvrit la voie aux impressions et commentaires, en étant la première à donner les siens dans un nouveau mail:
Merci à Eric pour ses Prières Lakota, à Andres pour sa gaita et à Jivatman pour son improvisation à la flûte pendant notre Visualisation concernant l’Amazonie. À Svaram pour les instruments et à tout le monde pour avoir participé de tout leur coeur à cette Célébration. Combien nous souhaitons que nos voix et notre amour, depuis le Site de l’Amérique à Auroville, aient atteint notre Amérique pour l’aider à surmonter ce moment difficile.
Un grand merci à B pour avoir fait partie d’Amérique Une depuis quarante ans… et pour avoir apporté un gâteau au chocolat avec une Carte de l’Amérique tracée dessus! Merci à Shakti et Ravi pour la délicieuse nourriture indienne.
Dans son Amour, en Gratitude


Ce à quoi Jivatman (l’Aurovilien du Brésil qui improvisa de façon si belle sur sa flûte) répondit immédiatement:
Un grand Merci à toi pour ce partage!
et Mita, qui n’était pas venue, répondit elle aussi:
Wow, Anandi,
Ça semble avoir été fabuleux!
Regrette de n’avoir pas pu rentrer assez tôt pour me joindre à vous.
La prochaine fois!
Meilleurs voeux
Mita R.
Lire tout cela eut sur moi également un étrange effet de contagion, ouvrant en moi tout un flot de sentiments profonds dont j’avais été consciente pendant la Cérémonie, et qui soudain voulaient être partagés avec tous. Voici la forme que cela a prise finalement:
“Mes joyeux remerciements à chacun de ceux qui ont fait de cet évènement un aussi beau moment – ceux déjà mentionnés par Anandi, plus Anandi elle-même, pour en avoir été l’initiatrice… Et puis merci à Pachamama en personne, vivante dans ce monticule que nous avions formé, tout comme sous nos pieds nus; et à ses grands enfants-arbres hauts et larges autour de nous dans cette belle clairière, avec le Soleil présent lui aussi, descendant lentement à travers le feuillage dans la vastitude du Ciel au-dessus de nous! Notre Appel alla vers les Six Directions, oui vraiment, avec en nos coeurs spécialement l’Amazonie…
Vers les Deux Directions du Temps aussi nous avons appelé: il se trouve que je suis l’une des rares personnes à Auroville depuis 1972, à représenter l’Amérique Centrale, à travers la Martinique, l’une de ces Antilles, françaises ou non, qui sont les restes dans l’Océan Atlantique d’un très ancien Continent du Passé Oublié, longtemps avant ce vaste

mélange de peuples aux diverses origines que les trois parties de l’Amérique, y compris ces îles, sont devenues au présent, à part quelques rares endroits ayant encore leur population originelle. Vers un Futur plus vrai, symbolisé par Auroville elle-même, alla aussi notre Appel:

Auroville: enfin un lieu où la Diversité divine est consciemment protégée et chérie, tout en étant en même temps harmonisée en sa vaste, divine Unité…
Eh bien, après le changement de location officielle du Site de l’Amérique, c’était la première fois que j’étais arrivée à trouver un moment, au moment voulu… et à trouver même aussi enfin cette nouvelle location, pas si facile à atteindre, mais si accueillante une fois là!
Il y avait même un petit carré de feuille d’or pour amener le Matrimandir au beau milieu de tous les objets plus spécifiquement culturels à utiliser pendant la Cérémonie… Et de toutes petites photos de Sri Aurobindo et de Mère étaient là également, matérialisations discrètes comme il se devait de leur Présence et Soutien dans notre entreprise.
Mes remerciements les plus chaleureux à toi, Eric, pour m’avoir depuis je ne sais où apporté une chaise, afin que je n’aie pas à rester debout tout le temps! Sois béni pour cela, aussi bien que pour ton rôle si important dans cette Cérémonie à laquelle ton acte de gentillesse m’a permis de me joindre!
Ayant à rentrer chez moi avant la nuit, je ne pouvais rester jusqu’à la toute fin et avoir une part de la nourriture si appétissante apportée dès le début par B, et vers la fin par Shakti + Ravi et leurs merveileux enfants, mais j’ai pu au moins être là pour me réjouir de la participation délicieusement spontanée de la petite fille, et même du bébé, avant de devoir m’en aller… Quelle Bénédiction additionnelle du Futur ils étaient pour nous tous là-bas, surtout des adultes ayant préparé le terrain et l’atmosphère du mieux qu’ils ont pu, pour que eux réalisent plus tard l’Auroville encore plus vrai dont la Terre a besoin…
Avec de l’Amour souriant,
Bhaga ‘
Quand j’ai eu terminé cette “petite contribution” qui s’allongeait au fur et à mesure que je l’écrivais, j’ai réalisé qu’elle était en fait destinée à devenir la dernière partie du nouvel article depuis longtemps attendu pour mon Blog de Recherche, ‘Lab of Evolution’: un article qui retracerait l’historique de cet évènement comme je l’ai vécu et serai toujours heureuse de me le rappeler….
Et voilà que ce récit est là maintenant, pour que vous qui me lisez, en ayez la joie vous aussi!… Avec l’aide de l’une des photos prises pendant la Cérémonie:


31.8.2019: The Pachamama Ceremony in Auroville – also for the Amazon forests

This last Saturday, just two days ago, on 31st of August, I was glad to participate in an event organized as usual by Anandi, a long time Aurovilian and personal friend from Argentina, who coordinates here all that concerns America (the three Americas as One) and the site of its future Pavilion in the Cultural Zone of Auroville.
Here is, to start with, the announcement she had put out some days before:
Dearest people, we have a very Special Ceremony the 31st. August at our America Site :
First of all, it is the last day of August, the Month of the Pachamama that we usually celebrate together.
On the other hand, we have a New Comer in Auroville, Eric, from France, related with our Continent, one for being married with a Paraguayan lady, and also, for his very close contact with the Lakota Sioux, with whom he has been initiated long back.
But more: we have received an incredible gift from the Andes: a Wipala,  the Rainbow flag of the Indigenous People of America.
For all of that, we are going to be together at the Apacheta in the Nursery, just to Celebrate together… and also to pray and sing for the healing of the Amazon.
Please, bring some food, flowers, incense. or anything valuable for you, to offer to the Mother Earth that day.
Thanks for being with us,
Anandi, B, Eric and Lara
With this announcement was also the image of a great poster that, by a wonderful synchronicity, I saw again just the day after the announcement, but this time big size, at the Visitors’ Centre, among the many panels put up as an outside exhibition informing people about the Cultural Zone and some of the Cultural Pavilions not yet built, but already living in the heart of the Aurovilians related to it in whatever way. I had never had the curiosity to look at those panels before, so I had never seen this amazing ‘America Poster either, and now I was seeing twice in two days!…
(I tried to copy and paste here that poster, but it didn’t work … yet. Some day I’ll find the way…)
A few days and a ‘Reminder’ email later, the Day was already upon us, and it all happened very smoothly. About 26 persons showed up.
The following day, Anandi opened the way to impressions and comments, by starting with her own:
Thanks to Eric for his Lakota Prayers , to Andres for his gaita and to Jivatman for his flute improvisation for our Visualization on the Amazon . To Svaram for the instruments , and to everybody participating heartily on the Celebration . We would like that our voices and love from the America Site in Av., went to our America for overcome this difficult moment .
A big thanks to B for having been with America One for the last 40 years … and for bringing a chocolate cake with the America’s map on ! Thanks to Shakti and Ravi for the delicious Indian food.
In Her Love and Gratitude


To which Jivatman (the Aurovilian from Brazil who improvized beautifully on his flute) answered at once:
 Thank you so much for sharing!
and Mita, who had missed it, sent in another reply: 
Wow, Anandi,
That sounds fabulous!
Wish I could have made it back in time to join in.
The next one!
Mita R.
Reading all this had a contagious effect on me as well, opening up in me a whole well of deep feelings I had been conscious of during the event, and that suddenly wanted to be shared with all. Here is the form it finally took:
‘My joyful thanks to everyone who made this such a very nice event – those already mentioned by Anandi, plus Anandi herself for taking the initiative… And plus also Pachamama herself, alive in that little mound we made, just as under our naked feet; and her large tree-children standing tall and large around us in that beautiful clearing, with the Sun attending too, going down slowly through the foliage in the vastness of the Sky over us! Our Call went to all the Six Directions indeed, with in our heart especially the Amazon…

To the Two Directions of Time as well we called: I happen to be one of the few here since 1972 who represent Central America, through Martinique, one of those French Antilles or West Indies, which are the small remnants in the Atlantic Ocean of a very ancient, forgotten Past Continent, long before this vast melting-pot of peoples of all origins that the present three parts of America, including those islands, have slowly become over the millennia, except for rare spots with still the original population. Towards a truer Future, symbolized by Auroville itself, went also our Call:

Auroville: at last a place where the divine Diversity is being consciously kept and cherished, while being also harmonized into its vast, divine Unity…
Well, after the change of location of America’s official site, this was the first time I managed to find the time, at the right time… and to find also at last this new place, not so easy to reach, but so welcoming once there! Even a little square of gold was there to bring the Matrimandir into the midst of all the more specifically cultural objects that were used for the Ceremony… And tiny photos of Sri Aurobindo and Mother were there too, materializations discrete as should be of their Presence and Help in our endeavor.
My warmest thanks to you, Eric, for bringing me all the way from somewhere a chair, so that I wouldn’t have to stand all the time!… May you be blessed for that, as much as for your great role in this Ceremony your caring enabled me to join in!
Having to go home before dark, I couldn’t stay till the very end and get a share of the delicious-looking food brought from the start by B, and towards the end by Shakti + Ravi and their wonderful kids, but at least I was able to enjoy the delightful participation of those kids before having to leave… What an additional Blessing from the Future they were for all of us there, mostly adults who have prepared the ground and the atmosphere as best they could, for them to realize in turn later the truer yet Auroville that the Earth needs…
With smiling Love,
Bhaga ‘
After finishing this ‘little contribution’ of mine that had grown longer as it was being written, I realized it was actually to be the last part of a much overdue new post for my Research Blog, ‘Lab of Evolution’: a post that would retrace the history of the event as I lived it and will be ever happy to remember it….
And here it is now, for you my readers to enjoy it too!… With the help of one of the photos taken during the Ceremony:



Eric with the drum, Anandi with the poncho

24.11.18: Mon Jour de Darshan permanent avec Sri Krishna

Message sur la Carte distribuée à l’Ashram pour ce Jour de Darshan (plus traduction) :

‘Where you are? / Où vous êtes?

In the Mother’s presence here and close to me. / Dans la présence de la Mère et près de moi.

Where you are going? / Où vous allez?

Towards union with the Divine through dedication and service. / Vers l’union avec le Divin à travers le don de soi et le service.

What you are doing here?/ Ce que vous faites ici?

Service and self-giving to the Divine. / Le service et le don de soi au Divin.


The rest depends . . . on the simplicity and fullness with which you give yourself and serve.’ / Le reste dépend de la simplicité et de l’entièreté avec laquelle vous vous donnez et vous servez”.

Sri Aurobindo

Je célèbre toujours ce spécifique Jour de Darshan de Sri Aurobindo avec un article ayant à voir avec Sri Krishna, pour des raisons que j’ai expliquées déjà en 2011 (quand je commençais ce Blog de Recherche) dans l’article suivant (que je ne crois pas avoir encore traduit en français, mais je le ferai si quelqu’un me le demande) :


Mais aussi pour moi personnellement – pas juste à cause de sa signification pour Sri Aurobindo – ce jour de Darshan du 24 Novembre a été ressenti depuis longtemps comme en quelque sorte mon propre Jour de Krishna annuel …. qui au fil des années est graduellement devenu une sorte de Darshan permanent , bien que je le célèbre encore spécialement ce jour-là !

Dans toutes les diverses formes de Relation que chacun d’entre nous peut avoir avec le Divin, Sri Aurobindo explique (dans la ‘Synthèse des Yoga’ je crois, probablement à la fin de ce qui concerne le Bhakti Yoga) que la Relation en elle-même est toujours pleine de Délice… et pourtant il y a d’une certaine manière des degrés dans ce Délice: depuis le Délice de la Camaraderie, de l’Amitié, et autres, il semble culminer dans le Délice de la Relation avec le Divin en tant que le Parent idéal … et là, l’Amour de notre Père Éternel est déjà très délicieux, mais l’Amour de notre Mère Éternelle est tout de même encore plus doux … et malgré tout, même celui-là est surpassé par le Délice Suprême qu’est la Relation avec le Divin en tant que notre Amant Divin : l’Éternel Amant de notre Âme.

Il y a bien sûr aussi le Délice de l’Identité avec le Divin (cela, c’est davantage le but du Jnana Yoga) – mais alors, dans l’absolu de cet état de conscience, on se sent être uniquement l’Un … et cela ne permet pas la possibilité de l’Amour, car l’Amour c’est ce Délice, inhérent à l’Un Divin, se déversant vers quelqu’un d’autre … ce qui ne peut se produire que lorqu’il y a au moins deux êtres !!! D’où justement la Multiplication de Soi de l’Un en ces innombrables autres Sois dont nous faisons tous partie :  tout cela, précisément pour que l’Un en Tout puisse avoir l’expérience du Délice de la Relation, avec toutes les Nuances d’Amour que l’Un peut exprimer.

Ce qui est merveilleux, c’est que toutes ces nuances de l’Amour Divin sont comme un seul arc-en-ciel, où la même Lumière d’Amour se divise/multiplie en toute cette diversité de  nuances d’Elle-même, juste pour le Délice de savourer sa propre délicieuse Diversité. Lorsque nous, esprits habitant temporairement ce monde de Matière, en arrivons au point de faire l’expérience de ces merveilleuses Nuances de l’Amour Dicin, notre Âme découvre que, tout du long, c’est en fait du même Être Unique qu’elle fait l’expérience; et que cette Diversité dans l’Amour ne fait qu’ajouter encore plus de Délice à son propre Délice en tant qu’Âme, passant de plus en plus constamment d’une nuance de cet Amour Délice à une autre délicieuse nuance du même Amour Délice …

Eh oui, nous n’avons pas besoin de mourir ni d’aller en aucun ‘Paradis’ pour faire l’expérience de tels Délices d’Amour Divin. Nous pouvons y goûter ici-même, sur Terre, pendant nos existences incarnées, si seulement nous prenons la peine d’aller chercher assez profond en nous-même pour le trouver, et si nous faisons de cela le But de notre vie.

Dans toutes les religions, et aussi en dehors d’elles, il y a eu des êtres humains qui ont découvert cette Possibilité et ne l’ont pas laissée passer. On les appelle les Mystiques – ou autrement, selon les diverses religions – mais tous ont découvert et goûté ce même merveilleux Secret qu’est l’Amour Divin, ici sur Terre. Beaucoup de ceux qui ont été déclarés officirllement Saints par l’Église Catholique, par exemple, étaient des mystiques.

En Inde, cette Relation d’Amour avec le Divin est appelée ‘Bhakti,’ et ceux qui la recherchent ou la vivent déjà, des ‘bhaktas’.

Le Yoga Intégral mis au point ensemble par Sri Aurobindo et la Mère, pour aider les autres personnes intéressées à une Évolution Consciente, inclut bien sûr le Jnana Yoga et le Karma Yoga (Service du Divin à travers le don de soi et la dédication de toutes les activités) , mais aussi et particulièrement le Bhakti Yoga. Le Yoga Intégral donne même une place tout à fait centrale à ce qui en nous est l’origine de l’Amour pour le Divin : notre Âme individuelle (ou plutôt “Être Psychique”, littéralement l’Être de notre Âme, qui se développe à partir d”elle au long de nos vies successives), au plus profond de nous-même. C’est lui qui est recommandé comme la toute première partie de notre Être à rejoindre et à laisser complètement être notre Guide Intérieur pour toute notre sadhana (processus intérieur de progrès spirituel).

En effet, l’Amour pour le Divin est indispensable aussi pour le Karma Yoga, si l’on veut véritablement servir le Divin et se donner à Lui/Elle : ce n’est pas par un sens de devoir ou d’obligation que l’on peut vraiment faire cela – alors que si on le fait par Amour, cela se fait automatiquement et avec joie, ainsi que nous le savons tous par expérience.

Voilà pourquoi toutes les explications ci-dessus se rapportent au Message pourtant plutôt “Karma-Yoguique” du Darshan d’aujourd’hui (inscrit au début de cet article) et se rapportent aussi en même temps à cet échatillon d’humanité en évolution consciente que je suis, en tant que pratiquante du Yoga Intégral.

Comme dans mon cas personnel l’Être Psychique avait été très actif depuis l’enfance, avec Jésus et la Vierge Marie alors mes formes préférées du Divin (pas d’attraction du tout pour le Père!), sa forte influence en moi n’a été interrompue que par ma crise de questionnement mental en devenant jeune adulte en 1971 … crise qui m’a menée à une Illumination massive à travers la révélation reçue des premières lignes de ‘La Vie Divine’, par Sri Aurobindo. Mais mon Être Psychique n’était toujours pas autorisé par mon Mental à régner à nouveau comme auparavant.

Afin de ré-établir en moi cette Influence si nécessaire, aussitôt que je suis allée vivre à Auroville en 1972, les expériences – à noueau massives – dont la Mère Divine m’a gratifiée fin 1973 se sont ajoutées à l’expérience originelle totalement illuminatrice reçue en 1971 de Sri Aurobindo – lui-même perçu depuis lors comme étant l’expression d’un Père Tout-Connaissant et merveilleusement Inspirant. La puissance combinée de ces deux “méga-expériences” mit enfin et une fois pour toutes en miettes le blocage mental, et me remit dans ma délicieuse Relation avec le Divin – mais maintenant perçu comme mon Divin Parent, Père et Mère à la fois, avec mes bien-aimés Sri Aurobindo et Mère comme sa double incarnation sur Terre afin d’accomplir l’Action Évolutive nécessaire et décisive pour notre époque .

Mais une autre partie de ma nature humaine avait besoin bien sûr aussi de l’Amour de mon Amant Divin, et ce de plus en plus à mesure que les amants humains se révélaient encore et encore bien incapables évidemment d’assouvir ce qui était en fait un intense besoin intérieur de mon Amant Divin …

Mon Âme n’eut pas longtemps à attendre:

À peine en mai 1975, j’ai passé trois jours et trois nuits à chercher ardemment le retour en pleine force d’encore une autre expérience cruciale, quelques semaines auparavant, encore avec la Mère Divine (mais rencontrée cette fois directement dans la Dimension Psychique elle-même, dans ce profond “Monde de l’Âme” décrit par Sri Aurobindo dans “Savitri”).

À  la fin de ces trois jours de solitude délibérée et intense, il m’a été dit intérieurement que je pouvais retourner dans ma chambre au sein de la grande hutte collective, et j’ai obéi. Eh bien, quelle surprise m’attendait!… Qui apparut devant mon regard intérieur le matin suivant, m’enveloppant d’une incroyable mais légèrement malicieuse tendresse?… Les Yeux et le Sourire irrésistiblement charmeurs du Divin à nouveau, certes, mais cette fois en tant que l’Amant Éternel de mon Âme !… Et mon Âme, en un heureux soupir de reconnaissance venue d’une autre vie, murmura doucement le seul Nom qu’elle connaissait alors pour son Bien-Aimé : “Krishna !…”

Mais “Krishna” tel que mon Âme l’a découvert et en a besoin dans cette vie-ci est la forme encore supérieure de cet Aspect de Délice du Divin que Krishna a incarné autrefois sous ce nom-là: c’est le Suprême Délice Divin lui-même, l’Ananda de “Satchitananda”, le coeur même de la Nature Éternelle du Divin. Il faut que ce soit Krishna en tant que Bhagavan en personne, le Tout-Délice révélé, dont les mots, dits à Arjuna, étaient comme un Chant : la Bhagavad-Gîta.

Et pas même seulement cela : cet Ananda Absolu s’est manifesté jusqu’à présent surtout comme un Pouvoir Lunaire, passif en quelque sorte, quelque chose à ressentir intérieurement en méditation ou contemplation, les yeux clos comme le Buddha, et qui vous tirait au-dedans, sans action vers l’extérieur. Mais la sorte d’Ananda dont je sentais le besoin, pour moi-même d’abord, mais aussi pour l’humanité et le monde entier, était un Ananda actif, le Pouvoir Solaire de l’Ananda, finalement se manifestant dans ee monde de Matière souffrante, comme un Pouvoir maintenant envahissant la Matière et la Vie pour les libérer, les guérir, leur donner enfin leur Plénitude par son irrésistible Délice Divin.

Ce Nom que je cherchais si ardemment depuis 1975, il m’a été donné de le découvrir, début 1979, à travers “Le Secret du Véda”, de Sri Aurobindo:

L’un des (très anciens) Hymnes Védiques traduits et commentés par Sri Aurobindo était  addressé à l’Aspect du Divin que les Rishis inspirés qui les ont écrits appelaient “Bhaga”: c’était la forme active du Pouvoir de Délice, qui seule peut compléter le travail des autres Aspects, en défaisant enfin tous les noeuds de la Douleur et des autres résultats de la Fausse Réalité dans laquelle nous avons vécu jusqu’à présent. Bhaga est celui des Quatre Rois Solaires qui vient en dernier: avec son irrésistible Pouvoir de Délice, il est celui qui peut dissiper entièrement le Cauchemar, et rendre à ce monde et à tous les êtres qui y vivent leur vraie, divine Realité – qui est Délice.

C’était de manière évidente le Nom que j’avais tant senti le besoin de trouver, qui donnerait sa Direction précise à ma vie entière et m’aiderait à grandir toujours plus vers ce qu’il signifiait, comme vers une Étoile … Ce Nom a aussi fait de moi aussitôt quelque chose comme la Fiancée de mon bien-aimé Bhagavan, le Suprême en tant que le Tout-Délice … dont le Nom était précisément basé sur ce Nom lui-même, “Bhaga”, le Pouvoir de Délice inhérent à Bhagavan !

Quel Programme!!! Il aurait pu facilement m’écraser sous son énormité. Mais avec l’Aide intérieure constante de mes Parents spirituels chéris, Sri Aurobindo et Mère, l’ Âme-Enfant qui en moi y aspirait a grandi et grandi, en dépit de tous les obstacles intérieurs, difficultés et retours en arrière, vers ce que cette Âme voulait tellement devenir .

Dans le contexte chrétien, il y a ce que l’on appelle le Mariage Mystique de l’Âme avec son Bien-Aimé – dans ce contexte-là Jésus-Christ. Ma propre Âme fraternise totalement  avec ces autres Âmes qui se sont éprises de cet Aspect du Divin que Jésus a incarné. Je sais que mon Âme aussi s’est prise d’Amour autrefois, en d’autre(s) vie(s), pour ce même Aspect, l’Amour Divin, que Jésus a incarné si merveilleusement alors .

Mais dans cette vie-ci, avec l’activation, à partir du 29.02.56 , de la Conscience-Force Supramentale dans la Matière terrestre et corporelle, nous entrons dans une Ère Évolutive nouvelle : ce n’est plus seulement l’Amour Divin mais aussi le Délice Divin à sa Source, qui doit être maintenant manifesté avec tout son conquérant Pouvoir de Transformation, afin que même nos corps physiques puissent avoir leur part de ce Délice Divin qui seul peut vraiment et pour toujours les guérir, en direction des corps transformés que eux aussi, et leurs cellules, aspirent à devenir, afin de manifester toujours mieux le Divin, ici même, sur Terre.

Alors mon Mariage Mystique à moi est cette fois-ci avec cette forme encore plus complète, toute-puissante, du Divin : Bhagavan, le Tout-Délice …  Et ce jour, ce 24 Novembre, chaque année est à mes yeux en quelque sorte notre Anniversaire de Mariage !… Ce qui rend ce Jour de Darshan spécifique encore plus merveilleusement “spécial” pour moi que les autres !…

Voilà le Secret si extrêmement Profond et Doux que je me trouve avoir partagé avec vous en ce jour, à ma totale surprise . Je suppose que c’est parce que cela peut aider d’autres êtres partout, qui eux aussi cherchent anxieusement leur propre Bien-Aimé, l’Aspect  précis du Divin que leur Âme aspire le plus à connaître et à manifester de plus en plus dans leur vie , comme leur Companion Divin en toutes circonstances.

"seat Check Lets Individuals Seated At A Restaurant - Mystic Marriage Of Saint Catherine Of Alexandria #1095972

(Image Credit goes to https://www.clipartmax.com/middle/m2H7K9N4m2d3b1K9_seat-check-lets-individuals-seated-at-a-restaurant-mystic-marriage-of-saint/)

Auroville n’est ni un monastère ni un ashram. Pourtant, comme vous le voyez, les Mariages Mystiques se produisent également ici – car je ne suis très probablement pas le ou la seul(e) Aurovilien(ne) en qui cette sorte  d’états mystiques profonds se produisent,   de plus en plus comme une nouvelle façon de vivre, au milieu de la vie quotidienne avec ses activités apparemment “ordinaires”. Et ce n’est pas fini, beaucoup plus reste à venir ….

Bonjour, Bhagavan et son Monde Nouveau! Je t’en prie, continue d’entrer et de t’installer! Tu es on ne peut plus bienvenu !!!

24.11.2018: The ‘Krishna’ permanent Darshan Day in my life

Card Message distributed at the Ashram for this Darshan Day:

‘Where you are?

In the Mother’s presence here and close to me.

Where you are going?

Towards union with the Divine through dedication and service.

What you are doing here?

Service and self-giving to the Divine.


The rest depends . . . on the simplicity and fullness with which you give yourself and serve.’

Sri Aurobindo

I am always celebrating this specific Darshan Day of Sri Aurobindo with an article  having to do with Sri Krishna, for reasons I explained already in 2011 (when I was starting this Research Blog) in the following article:

November 24th,1926: Sri Aurobindo & Krishna

But also for myself personally – not just because of its signifcance to Sri Aurobindo, – this November 24 Darshan Day has been felt since long as somehow my own yearly Krishna Day…. which has over the years gradually turned into a kind of permanent Darshan, although I still celebrate it especially on that Day!

In all the diverse forms of Relationship each of us can have with the Divine, Sri Aurobindo explains (in the ‘Synthesis of Yoga’ I remember, probably at the end of what concerns Bhakti Yoga) that the Relationship in itself is always blissful… and yet there are somehow some degrees in that Bliss: from the Bliss of Companionship, Friendship, and such, it seems to culminate with the Bliss of relating to the Divine as the ideal Parent… and there, our Eternal Father’s Love is already very blissful, but our Eternal Mother’s Love is somewhat even sweeter… and yet, even that is surpassed by the Supreme Bliss that is to relate to the Divine as our Divine Lover, the Eternal Lover of our Soul.

There is of course also the Delight of Identity with the Divine (this is more the Goal of the Jnana Yoga, though) – but then in that absolute condition one remains just the One… and that precludes the possibility of Love, as Love is the outpouring of this inherent Divine Delight towards another being… which can happen only when there are at least two beings!!! Hence indeed this Self-Multiplication of the One Being into those numberless other Selves that we are all part of: it is all in order for the One to be able to experience the Delight of Relationship, in all the Nuances of Love it can express of Itself.

The wonderful thing is that all those nuances of Divine Love are like a single Rainbow, where the very same Light of Love divides/multiplies Itself into this whole diversity of nuances of Itself, just for the Delight of tasting its own delightful Self-Diversity. As we, spirits temporarily inhabiting this world of Matter, come at some point to experience each of those wonderful Nuances of Love, our Soul discovers that, all the while, it is in fact the same one and only Divine Being it is experiencing, and that this very Diversity  of Love just adds still more Delight to its own Delight as a Soul, passing more and more constantly from one nuance of this Love Delight to another delightful nuance of It…

Yes, we don’t need to die and go to ‘Paradise’ for experiencing such Delights of Divine Love. It is all available already right here on Earth in our embodied lives, if only we take the trouble to go search deeply enough for it, and make it the Purpose of our life.

In all religions, and outside of them too, there have been human beings who discovered that Possibility and went for it: they are the Mystics, called differently in the various religions, but who all have discovered and enjoyed the very same wonderful Secret of Divine Love, here on Earth. Many of the people declared officially Saints by the Catholic Church, for example, were mystics.

In India, this Love Relationship with the Divine is called ‘Bhakti,’ and those who seek it or are already experiencing it, ‘bhaktas’.

The Integral Yoga of Conscious Evolution devised together by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, in order to help other people interested in Conscious Evolution, includes of course the Jnana Yoga and Karma Yoga (Service of the Divine through one’s dedicated activities) , but also very much the Bhakti Yoga. It gives even a very central place to it, with the origin of Love for the Divine in us, our individual Soul (or rather Psychic Being, literally the Being of our Soul, developing from it along our lifetimes), deep in ourselves), recommended as the very first inner part of ourselves to be reached and made fully active as the Inner Guide of our entire sadhana (process of spiritual progress).

Love for the Divine is actually indispensable for truly serving the Divine and giving oneself to Him-Her: it is not through a sense of duty or obligation that one can really, truly do that – while through Love, it happens automatically and joyfully, as we all know by experience.

This is why all of the above explanations are relevant to the Darshan Message of today, as given at the beginning of this article, and at the same time relevant to the sample of consciously evolving Humanity that I myself am, as a follower of the Integral Yoga:

As in my own case the Psychic Being had been quite active already since childhood, with Jesus and the Virgin Mary then my preferred forms of the Divine (no attraction at all for the stern Father!), its strong influence in me was interrupted only by my mental crisis as a young adult in 1971… which led me to a massive Illumination through the first lines of Sri Aurobindo’s revelatory ‘Life Divine.’ But my Psychic Being was still not authorized by my mind to reign again as before.

To re-establish that needed Influence in me, as soon as I joined Auroville in 1972, the – again massive! – inner experiences gifted to me by the Divine as The Mother in 1973 added to the original stunning experience given to me in I971 by Sri Aurobindo – himself perceived more as the expression of a wonderfully all-knowing and inspiring Divine Father. The combination of those two  mega-experiences shattered at last the mental blockage once and for all, and returned me to my blissful Relationship with the Divine – but now experienced as my Divine Father-Mother, with my cherished Sri Aurobindo and Mother as their embodied forms on Earth.

But another part of my human nature required of course also the Divine Lover’s Love, more and more so as I found out again and again that the human lovers could not possibly fulfill what was actually an intense need for my Divine Lover…

Well, my soul didn’t have to wait for long:

Right in May 1975, I had just passed three days and nights ardently seeking the return in full force of yet another crucial experience a few weeks before with the Divine Mother (but met this time straight in the Psychic Dimension itself, in this deep ‘World-Soul’ described by Sri Aurobindo in ‘Savitri’).

At the end of those three days I had been told inwardly that I could go back to my hut, and had obediently done so. Well, I was in for a mighty surprise: Who is it that appeared in front of my inner eyes the next morning, enveloping me with unbelievable but slightly mischievous tenderness, but the irresistibly charming Eyes and Smile of  the Divne again, yes, but this time as the Eternal Lover of my Soul!… And my Soul, in a happy sigh of inner recognition from another lifetime, softly uttered the only Name it knew then for its Beloved: ‘Krishna!…’

But ‘Krishna’ as my Soul needs Him to be in this lifetime is the even higher form of that Aspect of Delight of the Divine which Krishna embodied under that name: it has to be the Supreme Divine Delight Itself, Ananda as in Satchitananda, the very core of the Divine’s Eternal Nature. It had to be Krishna as Bhagavan Himself, the Blissful One revealed, whose words, told to Arjuna, were like a Song: the Bhagavad-Gîta.

And not even that only: that Absolute Ananda has manifested Itself until now only as a passive, Lunar Power, so to say: something to be experienced inwardly in meditation or contemplation, with eyes closed like the Buddha, and which pulled you inward, had no outward action. But the kind of Ananda I felt the need of, for myself first of all, but also for humanity and the entire world, was an active, Solar Power of Ananda, finally manifesting itself in this suffering world of Matter, as a Power now invading Matter and Life to free them, heal them, fulfill them at last with its irresistible Divine Delight.

That Name I was looking for so ardently for myself since 1975 I was given to discover, in early 1979, through Sri Aurobindo’s ‘Secret of the Veda’:

One of the very ancient, Vedic Hymns translated and commented by Sri Aurobindo was addressed to the Aspect of the Divine that the Rishis called ‘Bhaga’: it was the active Power of Delight that alone can complete the work of the other Aspects, by untying finally all the knots of Pain and other results of the False Reality in which we have been living until now. Bhaga is the one among the Four Sun Kings who comes last; with his irresistible Delight of Being, he is the one who can dispel entirely the Nightmare, and restore this world and every being in it to its true, divine Reality – which is Delight.

That was obviously the Name I had been so eager to find, which would give its precise Direction to my entire life and help me grow more and more towards what it meant, like towards a Star… That name made me also immediately something like the future Bride of my Beloved Bhagavan, the Supreme as the Blissful One… whose Name was precisely based on that very name, ‘Bhaga’,  Bhagavan’s own inherent Power of Delight!

Quite a Program!!!  It could easily have overwhelmed me. But with the constant inner Help from my two cherished Parents, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the aspiring Child-Soul in me has grown and grown, in spite of all inner obstacles and difficulties and setbacks, towards what it wished so much to become.

In the Christian context, there is something called the Mystical Marriage of the Soul with its Beloved, seen in that context as Jesus-Christ. My own Soul fraternizes fully with those other Souls who fell in Love with the Aspect of the Divine that Jesus embodied. Probably my own Soul has been in Love also before, in other lifetime(s), with that same Aspect, Divine Love, that he embodied then.

But in this lifetime, with the activation, from 29.02.56 on, of the Supramental  Consciousness-Force in terrestrial and cellular Matter by Sri Aurobindo and Mother, we are entering a new Evolutive Era: it is not only Divine Love, but also the Divine Delight at its Source, that must be now manifested in all its conquering, transforming Power, so that our physical bodies too can share in this Divine Delight that alone can truly and permanently heal them, towards the transformed bodies they too aspire to become, in order to manifest the Divine better and better right here on Earth.

So my own Mystical Marriage is with that still more complete, all-powerful form of the Divine: Bhagavan, the Blissful One… And today, November 24th, is every year, in my eyes, somehow our Wedding Anniversary!… Which makes this specific Darshan Day even more wonderfully ‘special’ to me than the others!…

This is the utterly Deep and Sweet Secret that I have found myself sharing with you today, to my own astonishment. I suppose this is because it can be a help to other beings everywhere who anxiously are looking also for their own Beloved, the specific Aspect of the Divine that their Soul aspires most to experience and manifest more and more in their own life, as their constant Divine Companion in all circumstances.

"seat Check Lets Individuals Seated At A Restaurant - Mystic Marriage Of Saint Catherine Of Alexandria #1095972

(Image Credit goes to https://www.clipartmax.com/middle/m2H7K9N4m2d3b1K9_seat-check-lets-individuals-seated-at-a-restaurant-mystic-marriage-of-saint/)

Auroville is no monastery and no ashram. Yet, as you can see, Mystical Marriages do happen also here – for I am most probably not the only Aurovilian in whom this kind of deep mystical states are happening, more and more as a way of life, in the midst of daily life and its apparently ordinary activities. And much more is to come…

Hello, New  World! Please keep coming in and settling down! You are most welcome!!!

Healing Another Lifetime, in my Cells Too

The sudden infection of that long standing, slow-healing wound (small , before the infection) on my left calf didn’t come up ‘by chance’ (as we like to say…), of course.

Not so surprisingly, it came right at the end of a whole inner process on the psychological level, for me to get rid of a panic and hiding problem that wasn’t from this lifetime, but from another one – in a country, period and circumstances I had already found out  about, years ago, in a trance deliberately sought for that purpose, like I had done earlier for the other main psychological problem I was suffering from in this lifetime,  that had its origin also in yet another lifetime.

Over the years that followed I had healed successfully already that first main problem, but hadn’t addressed the second one yet… and it came up unexpectedly (I should have known in advance, but it’s actually good that I didn’t expect it to happen…) and quite violently in me, right when I was so happily writing that long overdue book I have announced in one of my most recent posts,  ‘The Dam Is Now  Starting to Open’  (https://labofevolution.wordpress.com/2018/08/04/the-dam-is-now-starting-to-open/ ).

It was at once obvious to me that this old problem was rising up again precisely because it was time to also heal that one, so I inwardly rolled up my sleeves and got to work.

But again not alone, though: with the kind help again of my friend Danayah*, who happened to be again around for some time. And someone else also, now right among us Aurovilians here: a man, with similar talents and skills as she had, and enough inner integrity too. I didn’t intend at all to combine their help, but it so happened that I ended up meeting the two of them one after the other, with beneficial results from both, in just the right sequence for the first result to lead into the next as if both therapists had been working as a team to help me!… And I have no doubt they in fact did, although unknowingly, with the Divine orchestrating the whole thing…

As usual with me for such help, it was mostly facilitation that I needed, and once in the light trance required, I was able to inwardly deal with the situation that arose (between my present consciousness and that of that specific previous personality of mine) in just the right spontaneous way to indeed heal in the end the previous personality from the problem that had kept it (and my present me!…) in such dire straits for so long before.

I know very well that this kind of powerful inner event, for someone who has never yet lived through any direct experience of something like that, will seem rather incredible and far fetched. Yet it feels so natural, simple and normal while it is happening within one’s consciousness, and when, on top of it, it is followed by undeniable deep changes in one’s behavior like the ones that appeared within myself in both cases, the first problem and now also the second one, it becomes just a fact of life….

In which way was all this related to the sudden infection in my left calf?…

Well, the vibrational memory of the ancient trauma suffered by this earlier personality  (plus the other similar traumas experienced also by several more personalities later …) was still stored in the cells of my body, particularly the legs, symbolically representing on the physical level the difficulty those traumas caused in me for going forward boldly in my outer projects. When these traumatic memories in the cells were at last released, it was a big progress for my whole being, but on the short term it caused all those old toxins to be released in the lymphatic system, with that originally small wound there becoming the perfect way out for them.

Once infected, the small wound became bigger simply because I normally never have any such problem; I didn’t even know what to put as a dressing, so what I improvised in order to still be able to go around wasn’t adequate at all,  and after a few days, it fostered and amplified the infection rather than stopping it!… Still I attended one more meeting, as I knew it was important for the Newcomer concerned… but when the meeting was over some of the other Aurovilians present ended up telling me the odor from my leg was alarming,…!

At that point I realized at last the seriousness of the matter and called in for help my precious friend Dr Bérengère and her deep Ayurvedic knowledge – she had already before  been able to diagnose and describe the psychological problem just from taking my pulse(s)  – and again this time she immediately knew which Ayurvedic medicinal oil would heal my wound. Another friend informed us of a special, international brand of ready–to-apply, non-sticky dressings, available right at our own Auroville Health Centre (on the outskirts of Auroville, an older sibling to our present centrally located clinic, called ”Santé’, the French word for ‘Health’).

Under the name ‘Bactigras’, those large dressings, of gauze prepared with paraffin and Chlorhexidine Acetate – which I found on Internet is not an antibiotic but a more inocuous although effective disinfectant – have been a pure blessing for me, this is why I mention them here by name (for no financial or other personal profit whatsoever!) so that some of my visitors on this Research Blog may in case of need benefit from this potentially very useful information (see http://www.smith-nephew.com/canada/products/advanced-wound-management/bactigras/ ).

But those dressings were still a bit too sticky and painful to take out for my wound, quite large and deep by that time; so I added to each dressing, before putting it on, several drops of the Ayurvedic oil, spread on its entire surface, and with that addition it became not only the perfect, fully non-sticky dressing, but at the same time the best one for healing too!…

This at last appropriate and effective outer care was enhanced all along by the dietary changes that my cells were, as usual, also indicating to me as the best for the situation, considering always not only the local problem, but also the needs of my whole organism to deal with it properly,

What an immense pride and gratitude I have for those cells of mine who, with my active outer help and inner encouragement, have managed to get rid relatively so fast of what was actually a limb-threatening infection – and any local infection somewhere may very well become a life-threatening one, and finally cause the death of the person – as in the case, alas, of my Aurovilian friend Sharanam*, only a few years ago, from what started out as a mere tooth infection. The hospitals, with all their heavy machinery and drugs, haven’t been able to save her then, so I consider myself quite lucky not to have had to end up there too, as she had to.

I really thank the Divine Grace above all, for I know the risk has been there for me too, but I have been somehow made to escape it, at home with only my own chosen means: the doctor of my and my cells’ liking, with the Ayurvedic and other natural medicines that my body as well as the doctor said were the right ones for its cure.

As per this writing, only a small hole is still there, nicely filled up to the correct level already, but not yet covered with new skin like the rest of what had become a seven by seven centimeters wound, now blending all right with the surrounding skin. There is good hope that this small hole too will close in the weeks to come, it’s just a question of persevering care and love on my part for this spot on my body that still needs special attention. But since three weeks my body and I are able again to go up and down stairs, and jump, and run, and dance too, so all the fun of Life is back, hopefully to stay for a long while ahead yet, with a fully repaired calf skin to boot!

(Dancer and photo credit: https://www.phoenixdancetheatre.co.uk/work/phoenix-at-home/ )

Once again, as in all the other times when, while living in Auroville, I have been faced with a serious physical condition, what a deep and profitable learning experience it has been, both at the psychological and the cellular level of my being – for of course all of it is interconnected… and ultimately one !…

So at least a summary of it all had to be told on this Blog of Conscious Evolution, so that its visitors too become aware of how much all the dimensions of our being intermingle in this overall process of Life… and all the more if, in someone’s consciousness and intent, Life itself has become a constant spiritual process of Evolution, through Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s Integral Yoga.














TINARIWEN: the Dromedary’s Dance

Well, it is coming back in full force into my corporeal and cellular life, this ‘TINARIWEN’ Band that takes its name from the Ténéré Desert, in the Sahara region.

I had discovered its existence during last September already, when my own unexpected songs for Africa had started pouring into my consciousness. And I had spent an entire afternoon listening to their creations with their sober but irresistible rhythms, immersed as I was in that Touareg inner world which reflects so magnificently the outer world where their nomadic life happens since so many centuries and millennia: the sand dunes of the desert, with for faithful and tireless companions their haughty dromedaries.


Capture d_écran 2018-06-21 à 13.28.24

One song particularly had moved me to tears: the one that described the gradual disappearance of their freedom and of their survival in the Ténéré, their Ténéré, since the discovery, underground, of potential big profit in the form of petrol and such. Their people, so ancient, the first one in that vast region, finds itself nowadays supposedly belonging to the diverse political countries presently existing, that are reluctantly sharing this vast desert land now ardently coveted.

It is a whole way of life existing in freedom since millennia, that is being destroyed, a whole climatic environment which is invaded, shaken and poisoned by the dreadful pollution coming in with the Big Companies: as always, in their blind avidity, they invade the country without any love or respect for it.

It was through a very beautiful animated little film that this song was illustrated.

I found it again a few days ago, I wont resist the pleasure of introducing you to it, however sad it is in spite of the traces of humor in the animated film itself:


This superb, unique Dromedary, itself a living symbol of the Desert, carries on its back all the other symbols of the Touareg daily life… including now those guitars and other modern technical means that, together with the sincere and fervent inspiration of the Band for their country, are the special characteristics explaining the ever-growing worldwide success of this ‘TINARIWEN’ Band for already many years.

As for the invisible driver of the Dromedary, the Desert Man in person, he appears only later, as the fierce and courageous warrior that the Touareg indeed are. With all his strength, standing up high in the sky, he tries to save his people, his culture, his life – but in vain: the fight is too disproportionate, against the monstrous forces that come forward to engulf everything.

How long will the Dromedary still be able to resist, in this hell created by mad men?…

All along the animated film, what is wonderful to see, to contemplate, is to which incredible extent this Dromedary is perfectly integrated into this space, with the eternal, untiring slowness of its pace in the sand, the quiet eternity with which it gazes at everything, and the boat-like movement of its imperturbable progress forward, which  gives to its passenger the feeling that a dromedary is truly ‘the ship of the desert’, swinging, and you along with it, to the right, and to the left, and then to the right again, but with such a peaceful regularity that it brings you soon to the very same inner peace within you… unless of course it’s a race among the humans, and then the dromedaries give the full measure of the speed and power that are also theirs. But what I am speaking of now is their pace in normal circumstances…

And this is what I call the Dromedary’s Dance:

Filled with this unbelievable peace which seems to savor each moment and each step swinging to the right, then to the left, it is a kind of sovereignty that emanates from this tall and haughty creature of the Desert. It is this rhythm that this specific song itself reproduces, and although I savor also all the others, it is what gives to only this one that particular magic it has upon my body, I realized it when I listened again to it this time:

My body finds in it an all natural and spontaneous expression of this Delight of Being, yes, the Ananda of Satchidananda, as lived in the ample, comfortable movement of this so special animal life, which has become as close to the human being as the horse too has (that I do appreciate too, as per exhilarating gallops in the immense plains of my far memories), but while conferring to the human being a little of its rhythm of inner eternity, from which the body itself gets such a wonderful benefit… and the far memory of it awakened in my own body, and made it dance its eternal Delight of Being, to the round and slow rhythm of this song’s Dromedary.

TINARIWEN: La Danse du Dromadaire

Voilà qu’en ce moment revient en force dans ma vie corporelle et cellulaire le groupe “Tinariwen”, qui tire son nom du Désert du Ténéré, dans la région du Sahara.

J’avais découvert leur existence dès Septembre dernier, lorsque mes propres chansons inattendues pour l’Afrique avaient commencé à se déverser dans ma conscience. Et j’avais passé une après-midi entière à écouter leurs créations aux rythmes sobres mais irrésistibles, immergée dans tout ce monde intérieur Touareg qui reflète si magnifiquement le monde extérieur où se passe leur vie de nomades depuis tant de siècles et millénaires: les dunes de sable du désert, avec pour fidèles et infatigables compagnons leurs altiers dromadaires.

Capture d_écran 2018-06-21 à 13.28.24

Une chanson en particulier m’avait touchée aux larmes: celle qui décrivait la disparition progressive de leur liberté et de leur survie dans ce Ténéré, leur Ténéré, depuis qu’on y avait découvert en sous-sol de potentielles richesses genre pétrole etc. Leur peuple, si ancien, le premier dans cette vaste région, se retrouve de nos jours appartenir en théorie aux divers pays politiques présentement existants, qui se partagent tant bien que mal cette terre désertique mais maintenant convoitée. C’est tout un mode millénaire de vie en liberté qui est détruit, tout un milieu climatique qui est envahi, ébranlé et empoisonné par l’effroyable pollution apportée par les grandes compagnies: comme toujours, dans leur avidité aveugle, elles envahissent le pays sans l’aimer ni le respecter.

C’était à travers un très beau dessin animé que cette chanson était illustrée.

Je l’ai retrouvée ces jours derniers, je ne résiste pas au plaisir de vous la faire connaître, toute triste qu’elle soit malgré l’humour parfois du dessin animé:


Ce superbe Dromadaire unique, lui-même symbole vivant du Désert, porte sur son dos tous les autres symboles quotidiens de la culture des Touareg,… y compris maintenant ces guitares et autres moyens techniques musicaux modernes qui, en même temps que leur inspiration sincère et fervente pour leur pays, font  l’originalité de ce groupe “Tinariwen” et expliquent le succès mondial toujours croissant qu’il connaît depuis des années déjà.

Quant au conducteur invisible du Dromadaire, l’Homme du Désert en personne, il n’apparaît que plus tard, en guerrier fier et courageux comme le sont en vérité les Touareg. De toutes ses forces, dressé dans le ciel, il essaye de sauver son peuple, sa culture, sa vie – mais en vain: la lutte est trop disproportionnée, contre les forces monstrueuses qui s’avancent pour tout engloutir.

Combien de temps le Dromadaire pourra-t-il encore tenir dans cet enfer créé par des hommes déments?…

Tout au long du dessin animé, ce qui est merveilleux à voir, à contempler, c’est à quel point ce Dromadaire s’intègre parfaitement dans cet espace, avec l’éternelle lenteur inlassable de son pas dans le sable, le regard d’éternité tranquille qu’il pose sur tout, et le mouvement chaloupé de son imperturbable avancée, qui communique à son passager ce sentiment que le dromadaire est “le vaisseau du désert”, vous portant de droite, puis de gauche, puis encore de droite, mais avec une telle régularité paisible qu’elle vous amène insensiblement à la même paix intérieure… sauf bien sûr losqu’il s’agit d’une course entre les humains, et alors les dromadaires donnent toute la mesure de la vitesse et de la puissance qui sont aussi les leurs. Mais ici je parle de leur allure en temps normal…

Et c’est cela que j’appelle la Danse du Dromadaire:

Pleine de cette incroyable paix qui semble savourer chaque moment et chaque pas de droite puis de gauche, c’est une sorte de souveraineté qui se dégage de cette haute et altière créature du désert. C’est ce rythme-là que reproduit cette chanson précise elle-même, et bien que je me régale aussi de toutes les autres, c’est ce qui confère à celle-là seulement cette magie particulière qu’elle a sur mon corps, je m’en suis rendu compte en la réécoutant:

Il y trouve une expression toute naturelle et spontanée de ce Délice d”ëtre, oui, l’Ananda de Satchitananda, tel que vécu dans l’ample mouvement confortable de cette vie animale si spéciale, devenue aussi proche de l’être humain que l’est également devenu le cheval (que j’apprécie lui aussi, certes, de par les galopades immenses dans d’autres mémoires lointaines) mais en conférant à l’être humain un peu de son rythme d’éternité intérieure, dont notre corps lui-même bénéficie merveilleusement… et le souvenir lointain de cela s’est réveillé dans mon propre corps, et l’a fait danser son éternel Délice d’être, au rythme rond et lent du Dromadaire de cette chanson.

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