Real Captions for my Videos…

Well, no new video to launch this Sunday, as I already made that new one in French just last Friday, for the 27th of August.

But I have worked a lot nevertheless since then: yesterday full day, and again today. What for then? For the captions/subtitles of the already existing videos.

By watching them myself with the automatic captions on, I have discovered with horror that those automated  transcriptions of what I was saying were of course totally ignorant of the most important words I was often using, and, worse even, of the main names of places and people I am most frequently talking about… and so, those automated transcripts were giving totally aberrant versions of those unknown names and words, quite often to an irresistibly hilarious effect that I never imagined would ever happen to those cherished names, when so terribly disfigured.

So I immediately went back to finding how to remedy that very unwanted situation, and since then I have been working non stop (except for some night’s sleep of course) on correcting already the captions of two of my videos: the two Introductions, the first one in English and the recent one in French. It is indeed a lengthy task, but the tremendous improvement in the result is really worth it…

This is part of my learning process, obviously; at least I have now become aware of that danger, and will make sure in the future that the captions too are right, and do serve, as they should, a better understanding and appreciation of the actual contents, instead of ending up being a disastrous disservice to both my own intention in making those videos, and the intention of those who watched them but did put the captions on, to such a surprising result. I don’t mind being rather funny in all my present quite visible fumblings with the technology, but that the contents too should become hilarious is another matter, and must not be allowed to happen again if I can help it.

Now the two Introductions at least can safely be watched with the (corrected) captions/subtitles on, without the viewers risking to howl with laughter instead of being moved by what I am saying, which is supposed to be inspiring, and even helping you to evolve!!!

The present stage of my creating this YouTube Channel is probably intended by the Divine Joker as a perfect illustration of what I have called, on this Research Blog on Evolution, ‘The Way of Fun’… All right, dear Divine Joker, have your fun! My own sense of Humour is increasing too through all this, and THAT is also part of what we all have to learn, so I actually rejoice while writing this, and my cells themselves are giggling merrily about me… which is very good for their Health too…!

29 March 1914: A Hundred Years Ago, Those Two Met

Today is seven years later than that centenary, but the contents of the post remain just as vali, and important…

Lab of Evolution

 images  On this day, March 29th, in 1914, the Mother, then Mirra Alfassa,images met Sri Aurobindo for the first time, in Pondicherry, South India, where he had been living since 1910 to found the new way of Yoga that would help, not our evasion as usual from physical life, but our conscious evolution as individuals, accelerating the terrestrial New Step in Evolution, that would transform Life itself.

What makes this meeting an important event that we celebrate the Centenary of today?

That day marked the coming together of those two Beings representing the same Consciousness, one in feminine form, the other in masculine form, both needed for the Evolutive Work that had to be done in our time. They had grown and developed inwardly each one in an independent manner, without knowing the other. Their meeting was the sign that the Work would come to full fruition, through the…

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Men In Uniform

Abu's Blog

Security personnels around the globe are believe to have enormous power due to them being law enforcement officers a power given to them by the state.

Law enforcement officers are meant to serve, protect and preserve the lives and properties of people but not to be oppressors of the the people.

Men in uniform have been criticized all over the globe of the nature of their behavior in dealing with people like using excessive force on protesters or heavy handling of suspects resulting to loss of lives and serious health complications for survivors.

Is time for leaders or society in general to act in balancing the power of Men in Uniform by putting pressure on where they get their power from to come up with legislations that limits what they can and can’t do in dealing with people.

As lord Action said “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts…

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Integral Yoga & Human Defects (IV) : What About Psychoanalysis Today ?

I recommend to all those who can read English the great cascade of comments posted yesterday by my psychologist friend Don Salmon who lives in the USA. All in response to my previous post quoting two texts by Sri Aurobindo on Psychoanalysis, Don’s comments provide additional richness of information to the topic at hand. Interestingly enough,  Don’s comments even constitute a kind of preparation for the present post of mine -all the more because I have posted right away some short answers to them.

But as this new post I am now writing was already intended before, and meant to continue what I myself wanted to convey through this current sequence of posts on the same overall topic, rather than making this post now a direct reply to Don, I’ll just keep  on my own track, and say what I wanted to say anyway… knowing that by doing so I’ll be at the same time answering further Don’s concerns.

So I’d like to go back to the two texts from Sri Aurobindo quoted in my previous post:

Why did I quote them, first of all?

Well, together with Mother’s later re-formulation of her own corresponding Message, these two texts from Sri Aurobindo had been also mentioned by her to Satprem in relation to the same subject, so I felt it was only fair to quote this whole addition asked for by the Mother, just as it had been added indeed by Satprem in the final text of this passage of the Agenda on ‘Don’t try to be virtuous’.

But fairness wasn’t the only reason:

I felt also that both texts (which I knew and loved since long) truly shed on the whole topic of Psychological Healing such a powerful and clear and illuminating light, that they would be of great help for everybody, be it patient or medical doctor, and for still a very long time, as Sri Aurobindo indicated there the very central root of all psychological problems: the absence in most of us human beings of sufficient influence from our secret Divine Self, deep within as well as high above our superficial self with all its presently warring parts.

This indicates also then the obvious real solution: the necessity for each individual to reconnect and gradually re-identify with his/her true, Divine Self, so as to transform as well gradually those external parts into their potential divine reality, as perfected instruments of self-expression of the Divine in this world of Manifestation.

Such an immense overall understanding  and goal go way beyond what ordinary Psychology and Psychiatry perceive of Human Nature, but unless one gets that fuller picture of what we truly are, there is no way this needed inner balance and harmony can establish themselves in our being. Such a supremely important point makes these quotes an invaluable gift, just by itself already.

Given this fuller picture that is the all-pervasive basis for all that Sri Aurobindo and Mother taught from their own huge spiritual experience, Psychoanalysis in those early times was obviously rather inadequate, as Sri Aurobindo starts with saying, quite unequivocally. And yet Sri Aurobindo, in his vast wisdom, doesn’t put any blanket condemnation upon it. All that he says is carefully and clearly qualified: it is Freud he is talking about, and he explains exactly what is fundamentally wrong in Freud’s approach and all similar approaches. He wants us to understand why he doesn’t approve of it.

Not only does Sri Aurobindo point out why this approach is so wrong and actually dangerous, but he also describes what would be the correct way: finding the true Light first, then only – and cautiously –  using it to go into the intermediary strata of our inner, psychological being, with all their warring obscurities obscuring constantly our consciousness. and making us think, feel and act according to their whims instead of our real, spiritual inclination and will.

But Sri Aurobindo’s warning is qualified also time-wise: he himself underlies that these new discoveries Psychoanalysis prides itself of, are fragmentary and distorted because this aspiring new science is only in its infancy. Far from condemning it forever, at the end of what he writes, he expresses full confidence on the contrary that a day will come when the real knowledge in that field will gradually emerge and be used successfully for the benefit of all.

So, seeing this wonderful clarity and precision in Sri Aurobindo’s two texts, I felt no one could possibly misinterpret them if not by their own inattentive and mistaken reading of them. I knew that risk still could be there in my readers, but I gave them at least the benefit of the doubt, so to say, trusting their own better judgement and sheer thinking capacity!…

After seeing yesterday the immediate and somewhat indignant reaction from Don against my publishing those texts, I wondered what may have caused the difference in his perception and my own perception of whether those two texts were still useful reading, or by now totally outdated, given the huge strides forward in the right direction that have happened since then in that field of medical research and practice (see Don’s second comment, about Dan Sieger, about that).

The major difference, obviously to me, stems quite simply from the place in the world  and the social context in which each of us lives:

Don was born and lives in the USA, and in a city there where all such subjects are part to a large extent of normal life, thanks to the relatively high level of education and intellectuality in most of the population. A psychologist himself, together with his equally qualified wife he has written a book and is putting together a website about what I would call the New Psychology. From what he has himself written in his comments yesterday, one can see he is part just naturally of those circles of researchers in this field who meet or communicate often, nationally and internationally, All know of the latest advances, and are  able to have access, themselves and their family, to the most advanced psychological care that they already know is available, if ever they find themselves in psychological or psychiatric trouble. They somehow take all that for granted, it’s just ‘normal life’ for them.

Well, the situation is utterly different in the part of the world where, although French, I live by choice since 1972: Auroville, near Puducherry (ex-Pondicherry), South India. This is rural Tamil Nadu, with only a few big cities far and between. The new discoveries and new ways of New Psychology have a hard time here reaching and infiltrating mentalities still steeped in antiquated educative systems where the Freudian concepts remain hugely the predominant, if often subconscious (!) basis of understanding for those in the masses sufficiently educated to have at least heard of such notions at all. Even in the top level of really educated people, changing the old beliefs one has received isn’t easy: the ego is there too, which prevented Sigmund Freud himself from ever accepting that some of his theories may be wrong, even when his faithful student Carl Jung had the courage to point out to him what didn’t seem to be correct… Patients in areas of the world where Dan Siegel isn’t even heard of can at least use the clues given by Sri Aurobindo, as clear criteria for selecting the doctor whose approach will not harm them…

So my quiet conclusion is that Don and myself are actually both right in our different perceptions of the need still, or not, of those two texts by Sri Aurobindo. It all depends on the context in which we live and on the audience we are thinking of and trying to reach and help when we write. We are complementary, I would say. In this way,  our long mutual appreciation makes us a good bridge between the two worlds we each live in and identify ourselves with to some extent, however subconsciously… Oops! Here comes Freud again, surreptitiously, in our generalized acceptation of at least that basic discovery he did make, that was true, and confirmed by Sri Aurobindo then: the existence of the Subconscious!

I’ll end with celebrating with Don and inviting everyone to read that most wonderful other text by Sri Aurobindo that Don took the trouble to find again in order to quote it in his next comment… It summarizes indeed what we both agree deeply about, which fills up our life, and that we both found only in Sri Aurobindo.

Image result for Sri Aurobindo

PS: Yes, this morning, after a good night of rest, my cells have been happy to peacefully participate in the creation of this article… But now, enough is enough!… 😊














Healing Another Lifetime, in my Cells Too

The sudden infection of that long standing, slow-healing wound (small , before the infection) on my left calf didn’t come up ‘by chance’ (as we like to say…), of course.

Not so surprisingly, it came right at the end of a whole inner process on the psychological level, for me to get rid of a panic and hiding problem that wasn’t from this lifetime, but from another one – in a country, period and circumstances I had already found out  about, years ago, in a trance deliberately sought for that purpose, like I had done earlier for the other main psychological problem I was suffering from in this lifetime,  that had its origin also in yet another lifetime.

Over the years that followed I had healed successfully already that first main problem, but hadn’t addressed the second one yet… and it came up unexpectedly (I should have known in advance, but it’s actually good that I didn’t expect it to happen…) and quite violently in me, right when I was so happily writing that long overdue book I have announced in one of my most recent posts,  ‘The Dam Is Now  Starting to Open’  ( ).

It was at once obvious to me that this old problem was rising up again precisely because it was time to also heal that one, so I inwardly rolled up my sleeves and got to work.

But again not alone, though: with the kind help again of my friend Danayah*, who happened to be again around for some time. And someone else also, now right among us Aurovilians here: a man, with similar talents and skills as she had, and enough inner integrity too. I didn’t intend at all to combine their help, but it so happened that I ended up meeting the two of them one after the other, with beneficial results from both, in just the right sequence for the first result to lead into the next as if both therapists had been working as a team to help me!… And I have no doubt they in fact did, although unknowingly, with the Divine orchestrating the whole thing…

As usual with me for such help, it was mostly facilitation that I needed, and once in the light trance required, I was able to inwardly deal with the situation that arose (between my present consciousness and that of that specific previous personality of mine) in just the right spontaneous way to indeed heal in the end the previous personality from the problem that had kept it (and my present me!…) in such dire straits for so long before.

I know very well that this kind of powerful inner event, for someone who has never yet lived through any direct experience of something like that, will seem rather incredible and far fetched. Yet it feels so natural, simple and normal while it is happening within one’s consciousness, and when, on top of it, it is followed by undeniable deep changes in one’s behavior like the ones that appeared within myself in both cases, the first problem and now also the second one, it becomes just a fact of life….

In which way was all this related to the sudden infection in my left calf?…

Well, the vibrational memory of the ancient trauma suffered by this earlier personality  (plus the other similar traumas experienced also by several more personalities later …) was still stored in the cells of my body, particularly the legs, symbolically representing on the physical level the difficulty those traumas caused in me for going forward boldly in my outer projects. When these traumatic memories in the cells were at last released, it was a big progress for my whole being, but on the short term it caused all those old toxins to be released in the lymphatic system, with that originally small wound there becoming the perfect way out for them.

Once infected, the small wound became bigger simply because I normally never have any such problem; I didn’t even know what to put as a dressing, so what I improvised in order to still be able to go around wasn’t adequate at all,  and after a few days, it fostered and amplified the infection rather than stopping it!… Still I attended one more meeting, as I knew it was important for the Newcomer concerned… but when the meeting was over some of the other Aurovilians present ended up telling me the odor from my leg was alarming,…!

At that point I realized at last the seriousness of the matter and called in for help my precious friend Dr Bérengère and her deep Ayurvedic knowledge – she had already before  been able to diagnose and describe the psychological problem just from taking my pulse(s)  – and again this time she immediately knew which Ayurvedic medicinal oil would heal my wound. Another friend informed us of a special, international brand of ready–to-apply, non-sticky dressings, available right at our own Auroville Health Centre (on the outskirts of Auroville, an older sibling to our present centrally located clinic, called ”Santé’, the French word for ‘Health’).

Under the name ‘Bactigras’, those large dressings, of gauze prepared with paraffin and Chlorhexidine Acetate – which I found on Internet is not an antibiotic but a more inocuous although effective disinfectant – have been a pure blessing for me, this is why I mention them here by name (for no financial or other personal profit whatsoever!) so that some of my visitors on this Research Blog may in case of need benefit from this potentially very useful information (see ).

But those dressings were still a bit too sticky and painful to take out for my wound, quite large and deep by that time; so I added to each dressing, before putting it on, several drops of the Ayurvedic oil, spread on its entire surface, and with that addition it became not only the perfect, fully non-sticky dressing, but at the same time the best one for healing too!…

This at last appropriate and effective outer care was enhanced all along by the dietary changes that my cells were, as usual, also indicating to me as the best for the situation, considering always not only the local problem, but also the needs of my whole organism to deal with it properly,

What an immense pride and gratitude I have for those cells of mine who, with my active outer help and inner encouragement, have managed to get rid relatively so fast of what was actually a limb-threatening infection – and any local infection somewhere may very well become a life-threatening one, and finally cause the death of the person – as in the case, alas, of my Aurovilian friend Sharanam*, only a few years ago, from what started out as a mere tooth infection. The hospitals, with all their heavy machinery and drugs, haven’t been able to save her then, so I consider myself quite lucky not to have had to end up there too, as she had to.

I really thank the Divine Grace above all, for I know the risk has been there for me too, but I have been somehow made to escape it, at home with only my own chosen means: the doctor of my and my cells’ liking, with the Ayurvedic and other natural medicines that my body as well as the doctor said were the right ones for its cure.

As per this writing, only a small hole is still there, nicely filled up to the correct level already, but not yet covered with new skin like the rest of what had become a seven by seven centimeters wound, now blending all right with the surrounding skin. There is good hope that this small hole too will close in the weeks to come, it’s just a question of persevering care and love on my part for this spot on my body that still needs special attention. But since three weeks my body and I are able again to go up and down stairs, and jump, and run, and dance too, so all the fun of Life is back, hopefully to stay for a long while ahead yet, with a fully repaired calf skin to boot!

(Dancer and photo credit: )

Once again, as in all the other times when, while living in Auroville, I have been faced with a serious physical condition, what a deep and profitable learning experience it has been, both at the psychological and the cellular level of my being – for of course all of it is interconnected… and ultimately one !…

So at least a summary of it all had to be told on this Blog of Conscious Evolution, so that its visitors too become aware of how much all the dimensions of our being intermingle in this overall process of Life… and all the more if, in someone’s consciousness and intent, Life itself has become a constant spiritual process of Evolution, through Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s Integral Yoga.














The 17-18th November Darshan Has Again Come and Gone…

… And again it has been a most powerful event for me, as the Day that in 1973, when the Mother left her body, saw me get a Darshan indeed, first, early morning, of Her  Divine Infinite Being behind all there is, and later the same morning, also of Her new Form as it was seen with awe and wonder by my bewildered eyes, still open  for some reason to that subtle-physical dimension in which that new Form seemed to be taking shape.

From that new Form – an orange colored, slowly becoming more dense mist vibrant with incredible power – Something emanated into my whole being including the physical body, Something that only the third time around I was able to be calm and peaceful enough to let in, or rather drink in deeply.

Only about a year ago has it occurred to me that such an unbelievable infusion of this Something into my being at that very special time might have been actually the secret cause responsible for my becoming aware of my cells for the first time in 1976, three years later, and for the remarkably fast turning of some of those cells towards the Divine hardly a year later after that, in 1977 already – a rather speedy evolution of that cellular consciousness which I had never been able to explain to myself until I finally connected it to that tremendous 18th November Darshan in 1973… which has since then taken on for me all the more significance and importance, of course.

This year, the anniversary was on last Friday; I had already decided to go to Pondy (a very rare event for me nowadays) for another important reason, even before I noticed what date it would be… So again I have gone to sit for a long while in this Hall where now only Mother’s empty bed is kept, on which in 1973 her supposedly “dead” body had been visible to others, but strangely enough replaced for my vision by this more real, and utterly living other Form of it… It must have been somewhat ‘contagious’ as well, as Mother used to put it.

Probably some other bodies too must have benefited at that time from that very unusual ‘contagion’ in some way or another, with results we may hear about some day… or not. In my own case I am mentioning all this only because I am trying to put all these things in as scientific a light as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother wanted them to be studied so that the very process of Conscious Evolution may be better understood and consequently more efficiently practiced, particularly at that cellular level whose consciousness is so little known as yet.


Interestingly enough, on that 18th November 1973 I was still quite new to the Integral Yoga and to Auroville. It was hardly known yet to most disciples that Mother’s body had been undergoing some evolutive changes, let alone that any of that had become possibly ‘contagious’, so it was in all innocence that I happened to benefit from this ultimate Darshan in such an unforeseen manner and with such unexpected ongoing consequences. It is entirely due to the Divine Grace that I happened to have it seems the required cellular receptivity at that special moment. This must be one of the ways this divine Process of Evolution actually works… My most intense gratitude goes to the Mother and her body-cells for all the hard evolutive work that people like me, and all of us to some extent, are now benefiting from…


(My wowed thanks to Jamie Dedes for this brief but so powerful evocation of the whole dehumanized world of Business we hope will soon be only a bad memory from the past as we move towards a more united HUMANITY…)



From Anita Moorjani, about this US Presidential Election


Choosing Love over Fear

Dear all of you,

Several people have asked me to say a few words about my views on the recent presidential election.

Firstly, I want to acknowledge that this was an intense election for many of you, and that’s because it was driven by fear.

My heart goes out to all of you, regardless of who you voted for, particularly because I know that many of you voted not because you loved your candidate, but because you feared the alternative. I know that many of you didn’t care for either candidate, and a lot of you feared your future, and some of you were angry at what you believed your country had done to you. Since the motivation behind most of the votes was fear (of the opposition), regardless of who won, it was inevitable that the losing party was going to feel huge fear towards this new president elect.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to remind you that whoever won or lost, neither of them really has the power to change your life or your reality. The power is always within you, and no one can take that away. Please don’t let anyone outside of yourself, whether it’s the media or the government, cause you to forget the truth of who you really are, and who you came here to be. Regardless of the outcome, we are all connected, so let’s honor that. Let’s put that truth above everything else, and start the process of healing the divide that has been created by this election. Remember, even those who voted for the opposite candidate as you, did it out of their own fear for their future. The best way to heal the fear is to come together in love, and start to embody what you want your reality to look like.

Much, much love and peace to everyone.


The Little Squirrel Who Stopped Traffic

Jamie Dedes' THE POET BY DAY Webzine

When we left the café parking area the sky was a bit overcast but the late afternoon was delightfully busy with birds, bees and squirrels. It’s baby-season here for squirrels. Well, I guess maybe some of them are in their teens now. My friend was about to turn the car right onto Whipple Avenue, a main drag leading to a freeway. She stopped first to check for through traffic. Less than a half-block up the cars were at a standstill. Why? Finally we glimpsed a tiny squirrel huddled in the middle of the street. Some people left their cars. A quiet crowd gathered but no one beeped a horn. No one shouted. No one cursed in anger. Remarkable! Such uncharacteristic behavior, especially for commute time.

Since there were no cars behind us on the side street, we sat waiting to see what would happen. It appeared everyone was suspended mid-breath until a utility worker stepped out…

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