In Honor of Wayne Dyer, by NDEr Anita Moorjani

I, Bhaga, want to share with you all the article I received yesterday as the Newsletter from this wonderful NDEr called Anita Moorjani – and there is even more than the article, as you will see in the end:

Celebrating Wayne
Dear Bhaga,

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year to the day since our dear friend and teacher Wayne Dyer crossed over into the other side. I have dedicated my upcoming book, “What if This is Heaven?” to Wayne, and today, I’d like to share with you the Afterword from the book:

Just as I was completing the final chapters of this book, I received the shocking news that my dear friend Dr. Wayne Dyer had passed away.

Shortly before this news arrived, a few close friends had come over to have lunch with Danny and me at our new home in California. When my friend Jennifer McLean arrived, she was bearing a huge bouquet of orange roses.

“What’s with the orange?” she asked as she handed me the armful of flowers.

“What do you mean?” I responded with a curious smile as I happily accepted her gift, admiring the striking color and reveling in the sweet scent. They were absolutely stunning.

“While I was in the flower store, I was reaching for the red roses for you,” Jennifer explained, “but I kept hearing this voice in my head saying, ‘Get the orange ones. Get the orange ones!’ You obviously have a friend on the other side who really wanted you to have the orange roses!”

“Well, orange is my favorite color,” I said. “But I can’t think of who from the other realm would have told you that.” For a few moments, I worried that someone close to me might have passed away without me knowing and was trying to send me a message. But I soon got busy with the final preparations for lunch and forgot about my apprehension.

Shortly after, while we were sitting down to eat, my cell phone rang. When I looked at the caller ID, I saw that it was Maya Labos, who had been Wayne’s personal manager and right hand for the last 38 years. Because she travels with him on every trip, Maya and I have gotten extremely close since I’d been sharing the stage with Wayne for the past few years.

“Maya! What’s up?” I asked cheerfully as I answered the call.

“It’s Wayne,” came the tearful voice, and I already knew what was coming next. “He died in his sleep this morning. He’s gone.”

With those words, my heart sank to the pit of my stomach. I just couldn’t believe it was true. Wayne Dyer could not possibly be dead! I had just finished a speaking tour of Australia with him the week before, and he’d seemed positively pulsing with life—as always!

Then I remembered my earlier hunch that someone had crossed over, and I realized my premonition had been true after all. Wayne had known that orange was my favorite color. He often teased me backstage about my penchant for orange (my wallet, my phone case, and my purse are all orange). And he too had a thing for oranges—the fruit, that is. He always carried an orange onstage as a prop when explaining one of his famous analogies. Wayne was rarely, if ever, onstage without an orange, and he’d often toss it into the audience when he finished making his point.

In fact, his teaching about the orange was the last post made on his Facebook page before he died: “When you squeeze an orange, you’ll always get orange juice to come out. What comes out is what’s inside. The same logic applies to you: When someone squeezes you, puts pressure on you, or says something unflattering or critical, and out of you comes anger, hatred, bitterness, tension, depression, or anxiety, that is what’s inside. If love and joy are what you want to give and receive, change your life by changing what’s inside.”

I knew that giving the message to my friend Jennifer to get the orange roses was Wayne’s way of saying that he’s fine. And although I knew, probably better than most, that

Wayne was having a grand time where he was now—laughing and dancing in pure joy, bathed in the overwhelming feelings of unconditional love, free from pain, free from expectations, free to expand and transcend—I was still stunned and saddened.

Wayne had been my teacher, my mentor, and one of my biggest cheerleaders in the journey that he had invited me to begin as an author and a speaker. If he hadn’t discovered my story on the Internet and then told Hay House to track me down and invite me to write a book about my experience, I would not be a published author today, traveling the world, sharing my insights onstage, and seeing my life being made into a Hollywood movie!

While on tour at Hay House events, Wayne and I had often talked about the afterlife and the expansion that takes place once we leave the physical body. Now, I couldn’t help but smile as I imagined him experiencing this for himself firsthand.

Wayne is, and always was, a passionate teacher. That’s what he was put on this earth to do—to teach. And I doubt that shedding his body has stopped him. If anything, he’s even more passionate because now he can reach more people, all at once! He’s probably teaching in a far greater and grander way than he had ever hoped to accomplish while in the physical realm! Instead of being gone for good, he is now more accessible to the millions of people who love him, and he’s probably having a blast showing up in different creative ways for all the people he’s touched in some manner. Now that he is no longer restricted by the physical, Wayne is here, there, and everywhere!

One day, we will all transcend this physical plane into the infinite realm of the afterlife, and while many fear what lies beyond, crossing over is actually the easy part. Let me assure you that there is nothing to fear beyond the veil. Our true challenge is in trying to live a life of expansion, liberation, love, and joy here on the physical plane.

So my biggest message (inspired by both my NDE and the life and teachings of my dear friend) is to live your life as an exercise in creativity, as if every discovery, every artistic exploration, matters in the cosmic tapestry of life—because it does. Follow your heart as you exuberantly combine the riot of colors the universe lays before you to make your life into your own masterpiece. You may be surprised by your creation. As when we listen to or play beautiful music, our goal is not to get to the end of the piece. The point is to enjoy the melodious, joyous journey the music takes us on, including the very first note and every single one that comes after it. And as Wayne always said, “Don’t die with your music still in you!”

So don’t be afraid of not doing it right or of not being good enough. Such fear is totally unfounded. Life is not about getting it right, figuring out the answers to the really big questions (or even the small questions, for that matter), reading all the right books, taking all the right courses, or studying with the masters. Nor is it about whether you’ve had deep spiritual experiences, achieved altered states of consciousness, or become a spiritual guru to multitudes. It’s not even about whether you’ve been dead and come back to life to share your experiences—trust me!

The only thing that matters is that you allow yourself to be all of who you are! It’s that simple! Just be yourself—your true self! Be the love that you are. Shine your light as brightly as you can. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to enjoy the ride and have fun—lots of fun!

Wayne is now perfectly cognizant of the artistry of his life and of all the millions of people who have been touched with the brush of his mastery. Thank you, my friend, for coming into our lives and for sharing your beauty, wisdom, and humor with us as we make this journey together—and thank you for the orange roses.


Special episode of Explore The Extraordinary
I love connecting with all of you, so please tune in to my radio show every Wednesday. 12PM PDT/7PM GMT on Hay House Radio.

Tomorrow’s show (8-31-16) is about the healing power of touch, with Kate MacKinnon.

Please be sure to tune in next Wednesday, September 7th, for a very special show with Wayne’s daughter, Saje Dyer. We have pre-recorded the show, and I know all fans of Wayne’s will truly love it. Saje spoke of all the ways that Wayne has been communicating with her, through signs, since his transition.

Click here to listen.

We Love you Wayne.
Where I will be next…
I absolutely love connecting with you, and one of my favorite ways to do that is at live events. I am in Basel Switzerland this weekend, and the “I Can Do It!” in Philadelphia is coming up in 3 weeks,  which is sure to be wonderful. Click here for details: *I Can Do It! Philly*
To see details for all upcoming events, click here <–😊
Click below to view Dying To Be Me (available now), or
What if This is Heaven? (Release date: September 13, 2016)

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Trackback: In Honor of Wayne Dyer, by NDEr Anita Moorjani – Betty Palmeros
  2. feinsinnrevolution
    Dec 18, 2017 @ 20:17:54

    This is a wonderful view that he is reaching many more people from the other side. I already have the feeling that I pass on his wonderful nature to my children. He inspires me every day and I am still very sad that I could never meet him in person. I hope there are still a lot of books from his children telling about Him. Thank you!



    • Bhaga
      Dec 23, 2017 @ 05:53:38

      Sorry for this delayed approval and answer: nothing wrong with your comment, of course (on the contrary!), but for a few days I have been just submerged by other things to do… Now at last I can reply that I agree fully with you and am grateful that you took the time to write it! 🙂



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