The Future of Humanity as seen in Reinee Pasarow’s NDE

The Mother, when still known as Mirra Alfassa, met and had a deep friendship with Baha Ullah, the Founder of the Baha’i faith mentioned in the first and last part of the extract given down below from Reinee Pasarow’s remarkable NDE in 1966, when she was sixteen years old.

Mirra agreed fully with the principles of that faith, and Baha Ullah who had her in high respect would have liked her to lead the new organization, but she knew inwardly that her true mission was not to help create any new religion, however truthful, but more importantly to work for an altogether New Step of Evolution upon Earth, the only way to really change the situation. And this, she knew she would have to do together with an unknown great being she had already met in the subtle dimensions (and later found to be Sri Aurobindo, when she at last met him physically for the first time in Pondichéry on March 29th, 1914). So she kindly declined the offer from Baha Ullah, but during the rest of her life at the head of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram she did speak to the disciples several times with praise of the Baha’i faith, as one aiming in the right direction: Human Unity.

Besides the beautiful Baha’i building seen during her NDE by Reinee even before it was built on Mount Carmel in Israel, there is another one, magnificent too, shaped like a huge lotus, in New Delhi, India. After the terrible persecutions that the followers of the Baha’i faith were at first the victims of, such well accepted and honored places give hope that the future will indeed be better for them, as seen during the NDE in the following extract from it:

Extract from

Earth changes. After her life review, Reinee wondered about the destiny of the human race; and with that thought, she was shown the evolution and history of humanity as well as its probable future.

She felt the brutish and self-centered level of existence of the Neanderthals, to the conniving politicality of the Romans who thought they were all powerful, and the great surge of hope surrounding the scientific revolution of the Renaissance. She saw that humanity is now on the precipice of the greatest choice and greatest step of our development and evolution that has ever occurred in human history. Every individual must make the choice to establish unity, peace and harmony.

Reinee was also shown catastrophic Earth changes which were the result of human conflict on this planet suggesting the Earth and everything in it is a single giant organism. She described these Earth changes as follows:

“Simultaneously with this wonderful process there was great chaos and destruction going on in the world. There was a great breakdown in all of our institutions and systems: governmental, educational, religious, intellectual and scientific. The breakdown was such that society was reduced to bands of people acting like wolves who were filled with hatred, selfishness and darkness.”

Reinee also saw there was a small group of people who were identified as “The Just” who were striving to bring about a new civilization and a new creation of peace and bring about the great spiritual development humanity needs at this time. These people were not powerful or wealthy and were not involved in tremendous institutions. They were young and struggling. And in the process of their struggling, they were trying to bring about this spiritual development and a new civilization during the time of these Earth changes:

“There was a great sense of polarization of the people along racial and religious lines. It came to the point where every religion was fighting every other religion except for the religion of ‘The Just.'”

Theodor HerzlReinee was also shown “the seat” of the “Universal House of Justice” which had not yet been built. She saw this building exactly as it was built later and was shown its location. She saw this magnificent building in a land she recognized as “old yet new” on the coast of the Mediterranean sea. Reinee later discovered a distinguished Jewish author named Theodor Herzl who in 1902 wrote a novel about Israel called “The Old New Land.” In the 1980’s, Reinee travelled there and saw the building on the Mediterranean coast built on Mount Carmel, in Israel, on the Mediterranean coast exactly as she saw in her vision. The white marble building in Israel on Mount Carmel. it is called “The Universal House of Justice.” According to Reinee, The Just are receiving teachings and guidance there that is the hope for humanity.

Reinee explains why these Earth changes will take place:

“The vision of the future I received during my near death experience was one of tremendous upheaval in the world as a result of our general ignorance of ‘true’ reality. I was informed that humanity was breaking the laws of the universe, and as a result of this would suffer. This suffering was not due to the vengeance of an indignant God, but rather like the pain one might suffer as a result of arrogantly defying the law of gravity. It was to be an inevitable educational cleansing of the Earth that would creep up upon its inhabitants, who would try to hide blindly in the institutions of law, science, and religion. Humanity, I was told, was being consumed by the cancers of arrogance, materialism, racism, chauvinism, and separatist thinking. I saw sense turning to nonsense, and calamity, in the end, turning to providence.”

Reinee saw that these Earth changes would ultimately lead to the establishment of God’s Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. She states:

“At the end of this general period of transition, humanity was to be ‘born anew,’ with a new sense of his place in the universe. The birth process, however, as in all the kingdoms, was exquisitely painful. Humanity would emerge humbled yet educated, peaceful, and, at last, unified.”

Since her NDE, Reinee has never been the same again. The events she participated in there and the things she saw and sensed have all been reported by other NDErs — something she did not know at the time and would learn only in her adult reading.

“Every particle of my being had been shaken. Every belief, every value and every goal had to be re-evaluated after my luminous journey. The near-death experience was for me a great liberation – a rebirth – and its effects still can be felt in my daily life. Most of all, as a result of the experience, never again could I fear death. Never again could I look upon life as being anything less than a divine gift that transcends the limits of this physical realm.”

The Seat of the Universal House of Justice. After her NDE, Reinee insisted that her mother allow her to become a Bahá’í. Up until this time, her mother (a Christian) forbid her to be a Bahá’í. Reinee’s request to become a Bahá’í met her mother’s approval. Later, Reinee’s mother also became a Bahá’í.

According to Reinee, the identity of “The Just” were those of the Bahá’í faith. “Bahá’í” means “follower of Baha”, “follower of the light,” “follower of the glory of justice.” Bahabula taught frequently of justice.

Reinee says the purpose of the Bahá’í revelation is to establish unity. Every manifestation from God comes for a purpose to fulfill and teach humanity for spiritual development. The essence of all revelations from God to humanity is love. The theme of the Bahá’í revelation is justice. The Just were working towards the unity of mankind instead of focusing on the divisions like many countries and religions do. She described seeing groups of individuals that she “knew as well as her own parents” who were living and working in other non-physical worlds.

The Law is LoveLove is GodThe Bahá’ís’ view of life after death corresponds with NDE testimonies. This world is really a transitory phase – like a period of gestation. The challenge for us is to make spiritual choices in a physical life. Death is really a messenger of joy for human beings to enter into the light. Love is the secret of God’s holy dispensation, the manifestation of the “All Merciful”, the fountain of all spiritual outpourings. Love is heaven’s kindly light. The Holy Spirit’s eternal breath vivifies the human soul. Love is the cause of God’s revelation to man – the vital bond inherent in accordance with the divine creation in the reality of things. Love is the one means that ensures true felicity (i.e., intense happiness) both in this world and in the next. Love is the light that guides in the darkness. Love is the living link that unites God with man to ensure the progress of every illuminated soul. Love is the most great law that rules mighty in heaven – the unique power that binds together the diverse elements of this material world – the supreme magnetic force that directed the movements of the spheres in the celestial realms. Love reveals with unfailing and limitless power the mysteries latent in the universe. Love is the spirit of life unto the adoring spirit of mankind – the establisher of true civilization in the mortal world and the shedder of imperishable glory upon every high aiming race and nation.

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