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9 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Joyce Kilmartin
    Feb 14, 2012 @ 01:36:49

    I am studying the Seth material for a dissertation. I am using 6 Seth books for this study. Here is a list of sessions in which I believe Seth is talking about a coming shift in consciousness and what it entails. (to add to your list)
    The abbreviations are: SS-Seth Speaks; PR-the Nature of Personal Reality; UR1-Unknown Reality, vol. 1; UR2, vol. 2; DE1-Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment, vol. 1; DE2, vol. 2



    • Bhaga
      Jun 15, 2012 @ 12:19:30

      So sorry, Joyce, that I somehow missed your comment here and am answering it only now!!!
      Also, I couldn’t find the list itself that you mention you are posting for me. What a pity that I couldn’t find that list in your comment, but only the abbreviations list. I’ll try to trace you back and communicate with you more about your research, that I would be so glad indeed to know more about!



  2. Joyce Kilmartin
    Jan 07, 2014 @ 20:59:09

    Hi Bhaga,
    We seemed to have crossed in the night. I only just saw your reply to me. I finished my dissertation in 2012. One section was a comparative analysis of the Seth material and Aurobindo’s The Life Divine, which you may find interesting. Here is a link:
    My best to you,



    • Bhaga
      Jan 08, 2014 @ 07:31:34

      Hi Joyce!
      Great to finally read from you again… and now not just your reply to me, but the whole research document you have put together and are now kindly sending me…
      This is an academic piece of work though, it will take me some time to read it and be able to comment in any way upon it.
      In the meantime would you tell me,if you don’t mind, what personal interest you may have had in all this, that led you to do that impressive research work and finally this entire Dissertation?
      My best to you too, especially as we are starting this New Year 2014!



    • Bhaga
      Jan 08, 2014 @ 07:53:34

      Here I am again… to ask you if you would allow me to post these few exchanges we already had, including the link to your Dissertation, up together now as a separate new Post on my blog, under the title perhaps of ‘Seth and Sri Aurobindo: Extracts from a Dissertation’, so that your Dissertation itself can be accessed (or not, as you prefer) and our mutual comments about it in the future can be read by other interested people, thanks to that more visible and more appropriate place than down here as Comments to the ‘Posts List’?!…



  3. Joyce Kilmartin
    Jan 08, 2014 @ 18:16:35

    Hi Bhaga,
    Thank you for writing back. How did I get to this point? Hmm. I had a conventional start… college, M.B.A., job in the business world, where I labored quite successfully for 20 years. I started getting headaches and was very restless. Nothing seemed to challenge me or get me excited–(except for my family). I stumbled upon transcendental meditation as a cure for the headaches and could not believe how well and quickly it helped. From there, I started reading and learning about alternative medicine, Eastern religions, etc. Decided to change my life. Took up piano playing. My wonderful music teacher introduced me to many life-altering wisdom teachers and traditions. From her I received my first Seth book. That started me on another 25 years of exploration. It’s been wonderful. Here I am now, in a much better state of mind.

    I read feel like I know a little bit about you from this blog. I like your subject matter and the way you write about it. So happy to make your acquaintance.



  4. Joyce Kilmartin
    Jan 08, 2014 @ 18:21:14

    Hello again, Bhaga,
    I’m happy for you to post the link to my dissertation and our communications. A doctoral dissertation must have all of those chapters that build the case for one’s research question. The analysis and results are the most interesting parts, though. I wouldn’t expect very many people to want to read the whole thing.

    Looking forward to future discussions. . .



  5. BernadetteGervaz
    Mar 27, 2014 @ 13:38:15

    Bonjour – Désolée de ne pas écrire en anglais, mais je parle beaucoup mieux le francais étant ma langue d’origine – Je suis arrivée sur ce blog en recherchant des informations sur la vie à Auroville, car cela fait 5 ans que j’y pense, et plus je pense et plus j’ai envie d’en savoir plus pour venir vivre à auroville
    Si des francaises vivent à Auroville, existe t il d’autres blogs pour partager les informations utiles, les conditons, etc etc etc rien ne vaut l’expérience véue
    je vous remercie
    Bernadette – 57 ans – France



    • Bhaga
      Mar 28, 2014 @ 14:04:01

      Bonjour, Bernadette…
      Pas de probleme pour le Francais: je suis moi-meme Francaise comme vous. Et rassurez-vous, il y a un bon nombre de Francaises et de Francais a Auroville, sans compter les Francophones genre Belges, Suisses, Quebecois…!
      Mais on n’est pas entasses les uns sur les autres, on est dissemines tout naturellement ici et la dans les divers lieux d’Auroville, tout comme les Auroviliens d’autres origines.
      Apres cette breve reponse preliminaire, comme pour l’acceptation de ces lignes de votre part sur mon blog votre adresse email m’a ete communiquee, je vais vous envoyer un email avec le nom d’autres personnes a contacter pour avoir plus de renseignements concrets recents. Je suis la depuis 1972, et ce n’est pas le genre de choses dont je cherche a me tenir au courant, alors a ce point de vue-la je ne vous serai pas personnellement d’une grande aide.
      A bientot donc, dans votre boite email! 🙂

      En attendant, peut-etre trouveriez-vous des choses interessantes parmi ceux de mes articles qui sont en Francais? A DROITE DANS LA MARGE, dans la liste des differentes CATEGORIES, vous trouverez “EN FRANCAIS”; cliquez la-dessus et mes articles en Francais vont se presenter a vous sur l’ecran.




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