Vikings Score Again

How interesting: the Vikings had apparently much playfulness in them!… as the fun title and comments by the WordPress blogger, herself a (rightly) proud descendant of Vikings, amply show still…

Nina's Soap Bubble Box

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7 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. donsalmon
    Feb 12, 2014 @ 11:50:19

    That’s very funny. I was just quickly checking my email (note – it’s Super Bowl madness season here in the US of A) and I saw the subject line and thought “well, my goodness – Bhaga is now pursuing spirituality and football (that’s the Minnesota Vikings.” Then I read on and thought, “Oh, the world makes sense again. She’s talking about actual Vikings.”

    Still, an evolutionary blog post on sports…. hmm, maybe cricket and Indian psychology – let’s see…….



    • Bhaga
      Feb 13, 2014 @ 06:44:10

      Hilarious indeed!… but nevertheles a great synchronicity ‘a la Jung’, complete with my own previous post precisely on Jung!!!
      Thank you for the good laugh I had discovering through your comment that amusing as well as amazing synchronicity. Dear Carl must be giving a grin and wink to us, after organizing it all nicely backstage…
      I wonder if dykewriter, who lives in Canada, was aware of the Superbowl in the US of A, and of the Minnesota ‘Vikings’? I don’t think so! It just happened like that on her part, that she read that article at that time and made at once a post of it on her blog…
      Now don’t fall off your chair, Don, but sports do have a place on an evolutionary blog: they have a lot to do with our secret Divine Nature, just as all games and adventures also do! I already had one post about that alright, a long time ago, and my next one will insist again on that very important, actually quite central point!… As you will see, I am not joking…



      • donsalmon
        Feb 13, 2014 @ 12:01:55

        Stil on my chair. The older I get, the more physical activity I engage in. I’m actually writing this just before popping in my “Kettleworx” DVD to do my kettle bell routine. Lots of hiking in the extraordinarily beautiful Blue Ridge mountains around here. I chickened out a bit this winter, but the last few years I continued my 6:30 AM biking and fast walking (knees a bit too old for running, darn it!) through the cold and snowy weather in January and February.

        And then there’s the mid day breaks, since we mostly work at home and spend a lot of time sitting. I have a few juggling balls I pick up during the day once in a while, or swing the kettlebell, or jump on the mini-trampoline.

        Haven’t been playing tennis for a long time, but hope in the next year or so to get back into it (when the website is up and done). And yes, all physical activity (typing this reply, playing the piano keyboard) can be a “yoga.” I suppose even watching the Super Bowl could be too, though I’ve never been a football fan (almost the only sport that never interested me – watching the amateur basketball players on 6th Avenue in downtown Manhattan was like watching the most beautiful improvised dance imaginable).

        Haven’t had a chance to try the zipline yet though (look it up in Asheville, NC – very cool:>)))


  2. donsalmon
    Feb 13, 2014 @ 12:09:50

    Oh, I think I didn’t tell you this, One of my favorite synchronicity stories.

    No wait, I should tell you this one first. In 1991, I had 12 people as part of a research project to learn to maintain awareness from waking into dreaming. I had composed some music I thought would be helpful, and it turned out all 12 began to have regular lucid dreams within a few weeks (the project lasted 6 months) but only 6 – the ones in the music group – learned to maintain conscious awareness from the waking into the dream state.

    one of the exercises I gave them was to keep a “synchronicity journal.” that is, to note as often as possible, for one week, any striking correlations or connections between seemingly unconnected events.

    What was amazing was that virtually everyone had the same realization – by day 3 or 4, even the ones who initially didn’t detect any synchronous events began to notice at least 3 or 4 a day, then by the end of the week, everyone had the same flash of insight – these synchronous are happening all the time, all around us, and all it takes is a shift of attention and presto! there they are.

    Ok, now the favorite. This was many years ago. i had been working (playing really) as a dance accompanist out in Santa Cruz, CA. I met this young woman – I’ll call her Susan for now – who described herself as a “walking synchronicity”. I think she lived in a kind of semi dream state – it made some things hard for her, but it also resulted in an amazing array of “coincidences” happening around her almost constantly.

    Well, I returned to New York, and was thinking for a few months I wanted to get her a special present for her birthday in June. She was very interested in spiritual literature, and my first thought – this was in March – was to get her Sat Prem’s Adventure in Consciousness. It seemed like something she would like but I wasn’t sure.

    This came to mind from time to time, and I think it was some time in late April or May I came across another book I thought she would like, but still couldn’t decide between the two.

    Finally, in June about a week before her birthday, I started to read Lama Govinda’s autobiography, the story of his life in Tibet in the 1920s and 30s. I read hardly a chapter and just “knew” this was the book for Susan. I packaged it and sent it off to California.

    On the afternoon of Susan’s birthday, I got a call from her. Evidently, she and her mother had been having lunch earlier that day, and her mother kept asking her what she wanted for her birthday. She kept saying she really didn’t want anything, but her mother was persistent and finally she said, “Well, ok, if you really want to get me something, I’m really interested in reading Lama Govinda’s “The Way of the White Clouds.”

    Later that day, when Susan called, she said it was literally a few seconds after she spoke the title of the book that there was a knock on the door. It was the postman. He handed her a package, and she opened it, her mother standing next to her.

    There, in the package, was the book she had just asked about, moments before.



    • Bhaga
      Feb 13, 2014 @ 13:57:05

      Thanks for these great synchronicity stories, Don! Remarkable indeed…
      And thanks also for this description you gave, in your first comment, of the physical exercise you wisely keep in your life, in so many interesting ways… I too love the Blue Ridge Mountains, by the way; one can see a vast panorama of them from the Monroe Institute, it is so soothingly magnificent a sight..
      You’re quite right of course, some amount of physical exercise is very much part of this yoga.
      But it is from yet another angle that not only sports but all forms of games are mentioned in several of my posts: as expressions, however inconscient, of something deep and central in our Divine Nature. My post is almost ready, you’ll find out very soon, I’m only choosing the right video to go with it. and I’ll put it up!



      • donsalmon
        Feb 13, 2014 @ 14:11:13

        yes, it’s a much more complex interaction with games and sports, with training of the body consciousness that isn’t quite the same with one person doing physical exercise (I’m thinking of Sri Aurobindo’s writing in his articles on the supramental manifestation)

        I wonder if you think improvised dance or non-competitive games have the same value as organized sports and competitive games?

        I used to love to improvise music to improvised dance. There was at its best, a sense that you never knew what was going to happen from moment to moment (too much conscious planning got in the way – though structured improv was good too), and you were working together toward “an end” – though of course, as with all things creative and spiritual, you can’t put this in words without sounding paradoxical – it was an “end” that was in this very moment!

        I would think this would have a similar effect to sports, though I imagine if competitive sports are played in a non-competitive way (as the Mother suggested to the children) it could have an effect on transforming the central and lower vital that perhaps improvised music/dance might not have (though I would guess if you were doing improvised music and dance with a focus toward performance, and an aspiration to connect with what is deepest with your audience, and also a deep aspiration to master your “art”, it might have a similar effect in terms of transforming the vital – but not sure – interested to hear what you think/feel).


  3. Bhaga
    Feb 15, 2014 @ 11:14:30

    As far as the transformation of the Vital is concerned, from what I have read of Sri Aurobindo and Mother about this kind of things, it seemed to depend in fact entirely on the person.
    To one well-known musician who had already too much ego and pride about his/her talent, they would tell not to give any public performances; but to another musician who had the contrary problem, and needed to strengthen his/her self-confidence, they would on the contrary tell to give performances…! So of course the other sadhaks, who from the “no performances” told to the first musician, had immediately concluded that in this Yoga, no public performances are allowed, were quite scandalized and puzzled, when the second musician came and what had been seen as the law was violated by those very Gurus they regarded as law-makers!!! Poor Sri Aurobindo and Mother…
    Seriously now: I guess the only way is for each one to see for himself/herself in all sincerity what effect the performances in question actually have on one’s own vital.. To dedicate each performance to the Divine before starting, does help making it entirely beneficial.
    In this respect, have you seen that wonderful film I speak a lot of on this blog: ‘Chariots of Fire’? It illustrates remarkably well this point, I would say, and in a most beautiful way, complete with the answer from the Divine in the end, one of the most moving scenes I know of, and all true to historical fact (it’s all a true story). If you have never seen that movie, I would recommend that you do.



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